UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

I love how people still use the lemmings thing as an insult without understanding that it’s a complete myth. :rofl:


Yes its a myth, used occasionally as an analogy.
Unicorns, fairy dust and gingerbread houses are also mythical.

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The other one that amuses me is when certain men are acting like pricks they describe themselves as being “alpha males” which is alluding to a completely discredited idea of how wolf packs operate.

In fact, wolf packs are family units and the supposed “alpha” is actually a model father, looking after and providing for his family. Interestingly, according to the self-proclaimed “alpha males”, that would make them “cucks” or “gay”. Isn’t toxic masculinity marvellous?


You forgot to mention and explain what the fuck he thinks he’s doing collaborating with the unmentional rag!

Simple question… Starmer keeps saying he will stop the flow of boats coming over because he will “smash the gangs”. I have heard him say it twice again this morning. Despite being asked time and again how he will do it he never answers the question. The gangs are operating in France. Is he going to send in the SAS?

Sir Keir Starmer doesn’t inspire me at all. I will vote Labour but God help us. Our choice of leaders is not much better than the Yanks have.


Apologists incoming to explain that he has to act like a Tory, and talk like a Tory, in order to get into power


From the Labour Manifesto website

"Here’s Labour’s plan for secure borders:

  1. Crackdown on criminal smuggler gangs facilitating the small boats crossings, with a new Cross-Border Police Unit and deeper security cooperation with Europe to get real-time intelligence.

  2. End hotel use, clear the Tory asylum backlog, and speed up returns to safe countries, with more caseworkers and a new Returns and Enforcement Unit

  3. Reform resettlement routes to stop people being exploited by gangs.

  4. New agreements with France and other countries on returns and family reunion.

  5. Tackle humanitarian crises at source helping refugees in their region."


If he subsequently behaves like a Tory, I’d start worrying.


Essentially stating that their policy is to follow internationally agreed protocols.

The 5th one is the only one that actually goes beyond that. I’m sure if they were to elaborate on it, we would get the usual troglodytes saying “why don’t we help our homeless veterans first” whilst simultaneously installing spikes on park benches.


First, there is a clear difference between Labour and Tories immigration stance and policies.

Secondly, about a third of Labour voters in 2019 supported leave, a big chunk of former labour voters switched to voting Tories or Reform over brexit - and immigration was significant reason behind that.

If Starmer, a remainer, is moving to the right with his rhetoric, it is just as much likely because on issues like immigration, a significant chunk of labour voters have already moved that way.

That statement sums him up





Most of the refugees from those countries end up in Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Pakistan etc. You aid, primarily, those countries.

Iran is a bit of an oddity in that refugees from Iran are actually massively outnumbered by refugees to Iran, many from Afghanistan and Syria.

As with any of this, there are already international agencies on the ground. They are usually desperately short of funds.


Good article from Krugman. I think he is a little too sanguine about how much liberty the UK has to issue debt, as seen with the Truss episode. But his fundamental diagnosis of the ‘unforced error’ is about right, as is the woeful position that the UK now finds itself in after a decade plus of underinvestment.


Starmer is no where near as bad as that however his strategy is extremely questionable.

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So why doesn’t Starmer say that?
Pampering to people that read the unmentionable rag isn’t going to get him anywhere, is it?

Presumably because he was aiming for a pre-election soundbite in the limited time he had to speak.

He is forecast to enter government with a massive majority, that would suggest his strategy is working.

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I think the tories managed that! :rofl:

Lets be brutally honest here, if Screaming Lord Sutch and the Monster Raving Loony Party were the only opposition to the Tories they’d probably win.

The Tories performance while in government have won this election for Labour, nothing to do with any strategy Klueless Kier and his cronies have conjured up to sway voters.

There will be 2 tyoes of voters giving Labour a massive majority.

  1. I’m a Labour man/woman
  2. We have to get the Tories out.
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He is the leader of the opposition and wants to run the country. The Sun are the best selling tabloid. He cannot afford to shun them.