UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

The insane reaction to Starmer’s 24/7 comment is the clearest indication yet that the Tories know they are completely and utterly fucked.

Mad Nads of all people lecturing about work ethic!!!

Holy snapping dog turds.




IMO Labour is centre, and Lib-Dems will always be seen as Centre-Right in my eyes thanks to getting in bed with the Tories, rubber stamping austerity and representing the London elite. Fuck them. Tories are Centre-(Right³). Lib-Dems occupy any space to the left of them. The only link they have to my interests is Remain and they only have taken that position for political gain.

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I think it is worth separating out economic stances from social ones. The left-right thing doesn’t cover all political persuasion. For example, it is quite possible for someone to favour a welfare state over free markets but still be very conservative over things like gay marriage. At the same time, there are those with liberal views on matters like drug-control who are also (and coherently) in favour of small government.

For the UK government, I think they are well advices to stick to broad economic and welfare policy and leave the social elements down to back benchers.


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I think that is somewhat unfair. They have been unashamedly pro EU for as long as i remember (at least the early 90’s).

Many of their policy ideas are taken from what works in those countries such as PR, economic, welfare policies etc.


Long before that. (well, I suppose it was technically two parties before that). It was a Liberal that convinced me that the EU was a good idea because regardless of how bad Thatcher was,the EC (as was) would still support struggling regions.


My wife was saying the same thing about the football. Interestingly, when Blair came to power in 1997, the UK won the Eurovision Song Contest just weeks later. Edit: just checked. It was 2 days later!


Yeah, I couldn’t remember if SDP and Liberals had been pro EU or not.

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Let’s hope this utter bellend loses his seat on Thursday.


I guess it depends on who your local MP is - if you think there is a chance of successfully fighting to win back the soul of the party post-election, and you expect the opposition to win a comfortable majority this time round then voting conservative may still be the best option even if the current version of the party is not what you want to be associated with.


I’m guessing that there are some traditional Conservative MPs left. Whether they are in particularly safe seats or not is another matter.

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George Galloway. Strongly socialist. Hates the gays.


On the other hand. Let him build a wall in the English Channel, personally, by hand.

Once it’s finished, we can tell him about the tunnel that runs underneath it.


Mogg thinks we can control the sea? Just knock up a wall and divide it up. Would love to make the wet wipe stand in the rip tide at our coast. 2 inches of it would take him away forever


Does my aging memory serve me right that he was promoting the channel as a natural barrier prior to 2016?

Sorry, but i really hate this arrogant, corrupt, smarmy, pint sized moron. I can’t wait for him to go.


In about 55 hours your wish will come true.


I don’t usually use this language. I have gone over the threshold of my patience. I get triggered, every time this tw*t comes on tv.