UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

Guardian, not admissable.

On the other hand, that Labour government was the result of the Major administration, and that was caused by Thatcher, who in turn arrived because of Callaghan.
Oh my God, where does it end? Gladstone? Disraeli? Walpole?


Queeny? Victoria? Pitt the even younger?

Itā€™s all Corbynā€™s fault.


Will there be video?

My watch says 8am 4th July. Woohoo!

Starmer is the reset switch. The baseline that the country can hopefully start being rebuilt from. Thereā€™ll be a time in the future where there will be a viable candidate that isnā€™t Right of Centre and that has more personality than a wet paper towel. But it is not this day!


Right. Iā€™m off to bed, as I need to vote bright and early. Gives me the rest of the day to scrub myself clean.

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John. It went off the rails with the Magna Carta and it has been steadily downhill ever since.


Maria, just want to say that from afar I have enjoyed reading your posts and your stance.

If I were back in the UK I would vote Labour, but you consistently show disappointment with them. If they have any sense, they should listen to voters like you, because thereā€™s nothing worse than when a political party takes its voters for granted, and even alienates them, while presumably still counting on their vote.

Job number one is surely to get the Tories out. Iā€™m certain that will happen.

But a process of healing needs to happen, and Labour needs to make sure it listens to people it has been losing along the way.

In another world across the pond, it reminds me of the likes of Rashida Tlaib, a Palestinian Congress woman, who would be anti-Trump all day long, but she has turned on Biden because of his neglect of the Palestinian people. She carries weight with a sizable portion of her community where she lives, and she is not the only one.



I know youā€™re grappling with what to do, but every single vote counts. They need to lose by as much as possible.

Vote for anyone, just not them.


The last three Tory PMā€™s.

I rest my case


Havenā€™t received one either, despite being nearly been a month. Guess my vote wonā€™t be recorded.

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Are you based in Liverpool or elsewhere?

Overseas at the moment.

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Just out of curiosity, you did ask for a postal vote? Iā€™ve been registered as an overseas voter since emigrating but I didnā€™t realise that I needed to re-register as a postal voter. I only picked that up because of a message my MP put on social media.

Reminds me of a discussion with a workmate in 2014.
He was absolutely raging mad that SNP failed in their bid for independence.
He was even more furious because the wasnt able to vote YES.

He lived in England :rofl:

I tipped him right over the edge when I told him my missus voted NO, and that sheā€™s English.

Hilarious stuff


Well that was more down to eligibility to vote. I can remember someone in Glasgow complaining that they didnā€™t get a vote in the Independence referendum and it transpired that he hadnā€™t realised that he needed to be registered first.

He thought the electoral register guy was after tax so he told them he didnā€™t live there!

To be honest, do you want someone that uniformed voting?


The sheer number of uninformed and/or plain thick people who will vote Conservative or Reform today will be a sad indictment of the people of this country.


I did, but apparently thereā€™s a deadline thatā€™s not publicised anywhere, for the postal votes to be sent out before a certain time. After that itā€™s dependent on when the council sends them out.

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Or Reform.