UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

His make-believe wife.

It’s a parody account, the hilarious thing being that the first time I saw it, the post was 100% believable.

Thank fuck the absurdity of the last 14 years has just hours left.



Looking at the state of the UK 14 years ago, I’d settle for some of that incompetence right now.


Ok put another way, if the last labour government was so great they would not have lost to a pig fucking idiot…even then that said idiot didn’t get a majority and had to partner with clegg.

The point being Cameron / Brown etc were not inspiring…and the one thing that the Tories did which labour had promised years earlier was a referendum…and wow who would have thought that the Tories won the election based on what people wanted a say in.

Speaking of absurd…


How many elections are you jumbling together?

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**[quote=“odin_telamon, post:7027, topic:3448, full:true”]
Ok put another way, if the last labour government was so great they would not have lost to a pig fucking idiot…even then that said idiot didn’t get a majority and had to partner with clegg.

The point being Cameron / Brown etc were not inspiring…and the one thing that the Tories did which labour had promised years earlier was a referendum…and wow who would have thought that the Tories won the election based on what people wanted a say in.

Did Cameron promise a referendum before that election? I honestly dont remember.

Tbh I don’t remember, don’t care what that turd promised…but once he got rid of the alliance he was free to make all sorts of promises, didn’t even believe in any of them completely and then had a hissy fit when the vote went to leave and promptly fucked off… everything we have witnessed since stems from his strop of not having the moral strength to do what the people voted on in the election.

And here we are, Tories will get smashed and hopefully it’ll be a long time if ever that they return, now just need to sit back and see what tomorrow (metaphorically) brings going forward.


Ah ok,
Not sure how thats Labours fault though. For me its all at Cameron’s door. If we had been given a strong moderately Conservative government that ignored the screams from the far right within the party about having to pay more tax the UK would be in a far better place.

He was a weak, slimey cunt and a crook.


I thought it was the 2nd election that he promised the referendum, but it’s so long ago now I can’t remember


It was 2015. I think he stuck it in the manifesto to shut up the SH1Ts in his own party on the assumption that he would be in a coalition (or minority). When he gained a majority he then called the referendum quickly on the basis that he thought he could get it out of the way.

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You are probably right.

Sow the seeds with austerity and make the mob angry and so on.

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You have a valid point @Mascot . Quite interesting story you have there.
I just prodded my cousins in Northolt to vote. They are laid back, they need flipping reminder, they are 'oh i forgot to vote type, I was in the shops". They will be voting Labour most likely.


Holy shit, WHY would anyone want to put themselves through that?

I get it that the huge stinking turd is finally going to get flushed tonight.

But staying up to watch it would be like toilet watching the slightly smaller turd thats about to be deposited

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May you guys get the government the majority wants. And also the government who will help Liverpool win this season titles…not sure how but they must.


I’ll be here, just like I was under Roy…….

Hopefully after today everyones life in the uk will start to be at least a little bit easier.


Except Rees-Mogg’s.





Just had a visit from Wendy Chamberlain, asking if I’d be voting today.

None of the other cunts bothered.