UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

I assume they know you…

Sorry, you walked into that one :wink:


It’s such a half-hearted endorsement by the S*n I can only imagine that it is a last gasp attempt to try and hold some sway over Starmer.

My guess is that they wanted to kill of any chance of the Leveson recommendations being implemented. I’m assuming that Starmer told them to fuck off.


The Mail turning on The Sun like rats on the Titanic.


Labour leaflet dropped through the letterbox at 5am, assumed it was the usual death threat or bomb but no, it was worse. The invitation to vote for the hideous Jo Platt with really big text telling me how to vote, where to vote, how to mark my ballot and to take photo ID.

Targeting Labour voters then.

I have gone off Turkish soaps
(too long episodes). I just want to see those govt ministers who f**ked us over lose their seats. I remember the pandemic, mum and I were in isolation, quite scared (for mum), couldn’t see our families, many of us lost loved ones, we couldn’t
attend their funerals. Also, NHS colleagues had to work during Covid without adequate PPE, some died, others still have long Covid. I cannot forget or forgive this govt when they abandoned the most vulnerable during Covid whilst they were having parties and going to Barnard Castle.


Gotta love the Daily Star:


Pretty good that. True too.

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Damn I can remember when it used to cost 25p​:joy::joy:

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I understand all that.
If staying up all night to watch it unfold is somehow going to help or comfort you, then thats what you should do.

I’ll be swerving it all, and will find out in the morning when I turn the TV on.

The end result will be the same either way


In fairness people used to think that about quantum physics. Perhaps if we do watch it it will change the outcome…. Spooky!

I’m going to stay up to watch it all unfold and absolutely wont end up watching Babestation while stuffing myself with pizza at 3 o’clock in the morning.


I won’t stay up all night. Usually by 1:30 ish am, you kind of know which way it is going.

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I am suprised about The Star, they are quite in tune with the public sentiment unlike the Daily Fail, Reformgraph and that non-entity tabloid.


Might be a good few from this forum with aching wrists tomorrow #PoliticalPorn

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We will know at 30 seconds after 10pm (exit poll) what the result is. Then off to bed for me. They have got it spot on the last 3 occasions.


Isn’t it usually Sunderland that declares first.

Just walking to the polling station to hand in my ballot envelope.

I put a cross for this youngster.
My constituency is a safe Labour seat. If it wasn’t, I would have held my breath and voted Labour, for the sake of getting the Tories out.