UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

An old friend of mine was the Plaid candidate in our place. He was beaten into fourth by the Respect candidate who polled nearly 8,000 to his 4,000. :frowning:


In the short term, Labour are going to have to use the private sector to get waiting lists down. They canā€™t just magic up thousands of new doctors overnight.


Think I saw that, was it Dehenna Davison? I think Mandelson was just being polite and letting her make her point. He went in heavy with criticising the government for Austerity policies and how that has hollowed out infrastructure.

Hunt made a similar comment I think about Labour governments having it easier when reforming NHS than Conservative governments doā€¦

How about steering away from Live Aid syndrome.

If only it was as simple as yes Iā€™m happy for my taxes to be increased as long as all of the proceeds go to the NHS.

The money would be distributed across a spectrum of which many donā€™t support or value.

5 seats left to be declared

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Iā€™m kind of reminded of that old Chewinā€™ The Fat sketch where they class people as either a ā€œwankā€ or a ā€œgood guyā€.

Except Iā€™d say: Wank, Wank, Nazi, Wank, Nazi, Wank, Wank, Wank, Wank, Wank


The Starā€™s at it again this morning:


ā€¦and neither can the private sector.


Assuming that none of them is either Green or Reform, thatā€™ll mean that each of those two parties will end up on 4 seats.

Now letā€™s see if they receive equal airtime from the media.


Which 5 are they? I can see 3 Scottish ones that were previously Conservative/SNP seats.

Greens getting four seats is more spectacular than the Labor landslide, IMO.

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Maybe thats a way to move forward with it. Cant say i like it given the public sectors awful processes for procurement and contract management but we do need to address waiting lists and staff shortages.

Huge challenge, probably expensive too.

Donā€™t know, just saw on the bbc tracker they were waiting for 5 more. I assume at least a couple are from those out of the way Scottish constituencies

Dumfriesshire just declared as Conservative hold (looks like a tactical voting fuck-up). 4 left.


Poole - Labour gain from Cons. 3 left. 2 in Scotland.

Edit: South Basildon and East Thurrock is the English seat still to declare.


As a foreigner from the other side of the world I also find it strange that almost 40% decided not to even turn up? A chance to exercise democracy and yet with such a huge number of people not bothering to turn up. Itā€™s one thing to be disillusioned by politics or governance but when given a chance to change things, refuse to? If 40% of eligible voters cannot be bothered, I think Labour do have to think about how to change that apathy.


Sorry but i couldnt let this lie. They did.



Voter suppression would count for some of it. I think Labour had something about automatic registration in their manifesto which would help. Turnout has typically been up to 70% but, usually, in most seats the result is a foregone conclusion.

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It was a conservative hold here by 100ish seats over Labour (both circa 13000 votes)ā€¦but reform had almost 9600 :disappointed:

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Do you feel glass half full or half empty with that? I would imagine that a Conservative MP would, at least, do their constituency work.

Edit - sorry. Misread that at the Lab/Con both on about 10,000

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