UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

We had over 4,000 in mine. They still only came fourth, though.

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Had nearly 6k in mine and also finished fourth - up 12% on last time.

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Our MP has been in place for years…some tosser from London that was parachuted in. Our local election recently saw a change to LD.

As far as i know, hes only interested in photo ops


Anyone have a list of Rhondda cynon taf results? Can’t find it😬

Welsh Labour win?
Parliamentary General Election Results 2024 | Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council (

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Thanks @redfanman

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60% is the average across Europe nowadays.

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Sure. But tbh, from another ‘foreigner’, if the discussion before the election is primarily about how big of a landslide for one party this is going to be, it’s not that surprising to me. Add general frustration and not exactly much excitement around Starmer, and I guess this is what you get.


Doesn’t it work differently in Singapore, where if you don’t vote you get removed from the electoral rolls?

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Apparently, the position in South Basildon and East Thurrock is that is showed a 127 win for Reform over Labour, but a cock-up with the counting was noted. The returning officer told staff to go home at 6pm and that a full recount would take place. I’m assuming that will be this afternoon after staff have had a rest.

Inverness, Skye and West Ross-shire is tight between Lib Dem and SNP and has gone to a recount.

Dumfries and Galloway has just called Conservative over SNP and Labour.


I know Stan Collymore isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. I agree with what he is saying here :100:


Your reasons?

Alistair Campbell declaring on live TV that Keir Starmer has “just pulled off an extraordinary victory”.

How fucking dumb do people like him think we are.

After staff have had a rest?

Need to find staff with the staying power and commitment levels of @cynicaloldgit


What is happening in Northern Ireland, I always like to know what is going on there?

I like the Alliance party, they gained a few more seats I heard.

Fixed it.

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It looks like the DUP have lost three seats. 1 each to the Alliance, UUP and TUV (Traditional Unionist Voice).

Edit: It looks like an Independent Unionist (ex DUP) beat the Alliance in North Down.


Why is the zero on number 10 squint?
Shoddy oversight


What a beautiful day