UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

and shit.

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Proof that she has no taste. In clothes as well as men.

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Or trying to get into 2-tone fashion. Itā€™s not working.

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They mentioned the first woman Chancellor on the German news. I was convinced that there had been one before, but she really is, isnā€™t she?

Do you think the outgoing Chancellor will leave her the customary amusing note, or just a crap on the carpet?


For anyone curious about what the back of the dress looks likeā€¦


Pity we couldnā€™t have an exit like thisā€¦

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Kind of reminds me of Sheldon in a striped costume.

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This is an interesting fact.


DMRB 1200 series vibesā€¦

Iā€™ll let you look that up.


This picture today takes some beating :0)



Is the one in the middle the dickhead that has been taking the piss out of serious politicians?


But she can afford it.


Thank you guys for telling to get my act together and go out and actually vote.
I was gonna go home and not bother, have a cuppa and sulk, that would be another one added to the list of apathetic voters.


Youā€™ll note me very quiet on here. Sorry, vids and piss taking on hold.

Heā€™d be nothing without her (and her dad).


Not the only one, Corbyn,they are good at this, it seems.

There is a lot of talk about a lack of love for Labour but for me their strategy paid off.

Starmer is criticised because his vote share is low, that itā€™s no higher than Corbyn. However what underlies that is an important difference. Corbyn had huge support in concentrated areas, whist under Starmer the support was distributed. In a FPTP system the later is what is important to get elected.

He needed to be a viable alternative in areas (not populations) where they would not vote labour. Your Somersets or your conservative constituencies in places like Norfolk.

Corbyn got tens of thousands of more labour votes in Liverpool. Each Liverpool constituency about 10,000 more. However those votes are largely worthless. You still get one seat with 50% or 85% of the vote.

To get elected, you also need to bring along those in Chipping Norton. That means some of your policies are not going to be where my values are. Gaza, Brexit, immigration are all examples. (Which cost labour in safe seats). It was a tightrope.

The big question for me, is now that he is in power. Does he maintain those positions, or slowly start to change the narrative. Moving the thinking and conversations in the nation. I am hoping itā€™s the later.


It must be noted that Starmer is putting good people in good roles, rather than ministers who know nothing about those areas.


As ISMF points out Starmer can go down one of two routes, follow the Tories blindly to the right,therer is absolutely no need or logic in that, or he can cautiously but definitely get back to something approximately Labour values which Labour voters probably expect.I am relatively happy so far with his appointments, those who have been hands on in opposition and can clearly see what not to do.
The NHS is an interesting one, unless Britain has changed dramatically,until the Tories started to kill it slowly it was largely untouchable, as it should be.
Hope that involving the private sector is only about getting it back on track and bloody well getting it back on track.It does affect most!
Dropping the intention to get British rail back into Govt hands would be another one which would indicate an intention to get back on Labour tracks, also of,water/sewerage.
Sadly it all canā€™t happen yesterday but movement in the right direction quickly will probably head off the "in 5 years"talk, and should not do Farage any favours, as a lot of his support would be disenchanted Tories who couldnā€™t bring themselves to vote Labour,some I know could be persuaded as they donā€™t like swimming in shit, many months waiting for surgery, and having to mortgage the house because they need to travel in peak periods.

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