UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

“A man without a coat getting rained on versus a man falling into the water versus a man with a bin on his head. You know, the usual.”


He is very, very good.

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I dont disagree that prisons are needed. Its a sad fact of the society we live in, but guess what its another system the tories have burned to the ground.

When you step back, the damage they managed to inflict on the country in 14 years is staggering. Theres certainly a discussion to be had in whether the rot started before then. For another day perhaps.

But back to prisons. Policing is too low, crime too high, reoffending far too high, and so on. Interestingly you often find crime rates tracking poverty rates. Guess what, UK poverty is higher too. We’re all poorer.

Big things to fix.

Great to read your helping someone to keep themselves square too.


I think you are not wrong to say that, but probably incorrect to think that its either you fix the problem at the root or else after that, every offender is shit.

Rehabilitation and re-integration is especially important for people who want it. Over here, we don’t help everyone just because of an ideology but simply, we help people who wants to be helped and is willing to do their part. Through my life, I had 2 close friends who abused drugs. One went on to traffick drugs and was hung. The other however went on to turn his life around and is now one of the most recognized life coaches in Singapore with his experience in prison. And if we say, hey because the parents supposedly did not do their job well, so now we leave these people to die in prison is harsh. Sure there are such bastards who will never change but there are like those like my friend who change his life around with help from all around.


One thing I realize from some of the western countries is that they have laws, but very reluctant sometimes to enforce it. Maybe its because of the largely personal liberty thing where every single police action is scrutinized. Nothing wrong with that of course, but the police is not something that is there only when you want it to be. Its somehow similar to some other countries in my region where laws are but just a suggestion while on the other end, you have modern democracies who think they are too good to be policed.

It goes beyond that, too.

The neoliberal agenda is to define “success” by wealth. Wherever people look, they are bombarded with images of flash cars, bling jewellery, expensive watches, holidays in Dubai, etc. You can’t escape it: it’s on television, in films, in music, all over social media.

When people don’t have these things, they are defined as “losers”. Nobody wants to be a failure, so in order to try to try to “improve” their lives they resort to nefarious means: crime. And this applies to white collar crime just as much as people nicking stuff from the local corner shop.

From top to bottom, society is full of crooks and thieves and it all boils down to one thing: greed. Avarice has always existed, of course, but, much like climate change, it has been accelerated by contemporary values.

Until people are taught that the accumulation of wealth is not the most important thing in life, things will continue to get worse.


Yes we sometimes forget that its not just the usual petty theft that are crimes. A simple check is that the UK has over 40% of white collar crimes, suggesting that poverty is not necessarily the sole main cause of crime. Greed at the end is the underlying cause.

I dont think it’s a reluctance to enforce it , more an ability to enforce it. Lots of reasons for that of course.




Good to see the UK’s own RWNJs are coping well…

For a moment there, I thought they were going to lose their marbles.


Probably youngsters in protest, claiming it’s too difficult to obtain valid photo ID.

Whilst in reality, their tech saviness would blow most middle aged oeople away

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Scanning a few headlines on Microsoft Edge today. We have

Telegraph - How Starmer risks being ignored by world leaders

Daily mail - Starmer goes informal at No.10 press conference by mocking PM title

Telegraph - How Angela Rayner has her own power base in Sir Keir’s cabinet

Telegraph - The wealth taxes that Labour could bring to Britain

GB news - Starmer does have England flags! Fresh row erupts after Labour ‘snubbed’ St George Cross

Telegraph - Why Wes Streeting is set for war with the health service

Telegraph - Labour Government working with Germany on moving closer to EU, says Berlin.

Plenty more to choose from.


Wonder what the labour press are saying,…the likes of the mirror & the sun


The Sun? Labour?



This is the ‘Real Reform’ party. This is disgusting. This is the party where all the racists and bigots can hide and get away with it.


Such disgusting behaviour is encouraged by both the Conservatives and Labour normalising anti-immigrant rhetoric.


He is British. He has a right to campaign as a Labour candidate in Clacton.

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Reform is getting too much media coverage and the powers that be are encouraging it.


I’ve previously posted how Farage would just be just another racist pub bore if he didn’t have rich friends who have enabled him over the last decade.


Nice move employing an ex prisoner. They now have a chance in life, as someone is giving them a shot. Hopefully they do well for you and for themselves too. If the system could be expanded so this sort of thing is the norm, where previous offenders are helped in getting on a better path, I’m certain most would do it.

Unfortunately far too many go back to their old ways and end up going back to prison. At that point it’s for myriad reasons, one of which is a systemic failure, by not supporting people and giving them a realistic option to get on the right path. They don’t see an option, so go back to what they know.

The left shares the right wing view that dangerous criminals should be locked up. I don’t think anyone is wanting a society where prison isn’t a harsh reality for some of the worst among us. But there’s a sense that the prisons have too many people who might otherwise be on a different path with better help.

Working toward that solution strikes me as civilized, and win-win for society.

Anyway, fair play to you for employing a former prisoner.