UK Politics Thread (Part 3)


“The blue bus is calling us, driver where you taking us?”

Jim Morrison.

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That’s interesting. I think the research i saw quoted was from the electoral commission a year after the local elections.

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That article is based on the actual number reported as turned down rather than the other one which is a representative sample.

Neither gives a figure for how many were discouraged from attempting to vote by the ID requirement.


Damage a children’s hospital in Ukraine- “depraved”.

Destroy most of the hospitals and kill 15k kids in Gaza- “let’s further deepen our close relationship”

He’s a fucking hypocritical scumbag and no amount of ‘but the Tories’ will convince me otherwise


I’ve been as angry as anyone with how Starmer has refused to publicly stand up to the unfolding genocide.

But I’m going to be fair to him here. Now that he’s in office there’s been a noticeable difference in his actions. I expect he’ll make a similar announcement when Israel next conduct in another atrocity.

If he doesn’t then any good will is lost.


He literally said that yesterday about deepening relationship with Israel, after 9 months of non-stop atrocity


Does it mean they did not vote because they did not have a photo ID for various reasons or did they just did not like that they have to produce a photo ID?

If the former, I have asked it before, that it seems ABIT ridiculous that a government had not a program to issue a national photo ID to every legal individual in the UK?

If it is the latter, i know you have the right, but I find it stupid to give up your democratic right because having to produce a photo ID.

TBH, there is no way of determining this one way or the other. There are probably around 20% of the UK population who are not politically engaged at all. Below that, you will have those that won’t vote because they don’t think it will make any difference, and those that regard it as a chore.

The turnout for the current election is very low. There have been years of pushing the message “they are all the same” which may have had an effect, also the perception that the Labour Party was so far ahead in the polls that it was a foregone conclusion.

Personally, I’m hoping that the analysis shows that Voter ID suppressed the Tory vote and this whole scam has blown up in their faces.


What a time to be alive…

Tice posts some inane shit about climate change, and another ignorant deadshit comes back with a pic of Miliband from 2015 like it’s some sort of amazing zinger…

These people need to be removed from our gene pool.

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I’m already sick of Donovan from the Last Crusade sticking his beak in…

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Misleading headline.
ID laws didnt prevent them from voting, people not adhering to ID laws disqualified themselves from voting.

There will be some exceptions, but mainly down to people not caring enough to either obtain or provide ID

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WTF is wrong with people?!?!?!?

What happens to frivolous reports?

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Just saw that Rachael Reeves will be issuing a report to parliament on the state of the UK’s finances.

Lets see how deep that canyon is. I’m expecting a mess.


Greatness :rofl::rofl::rofl:

She won an arse kicking contest against a one legged woman

I was wondering whether the previous occupants left them the traditional jovial note as to the state of the nation. I would expect it to read, “All the money is in the Caymans.”


Doubt it.

Its proven to be a political suicide move that I doubt the Tories would want hanging round their necks for at least 4-5 years. Its also one reason why Reeves is doing this I think. Reveal the disaster for all to see.

I’ll be fascinated in the level of detail that they manage to get down to. It could be borderline incriminating.

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