UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

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Gething has quit as First Minister.

Happy with that being honest. There was something quite slimey about him


Oh dear Vaughan was just Gething started

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Terrible column, laden with backhanded British narcissism. No British PM is going to be able to move toward a resolution. Right now, even NATO acting together could not reasonably move towards resolution - precisely because the entire world knows that what NATO says right now is meaningless beyond a time horizon of early November. Why would Russia look to resolution when time is on their side? What on earth could Starmer say to affect that calculus, other than demonstrate resolve?


Oh for the good old days, when the UK Prime Minister would rock up, clearly hungover, and mumble something incoherent about Peppa Pig or Jam, and stagger off stage like a tramp.


Simon Jenkins is consistently wrong about everything. He argued that the war was NATO’s fault.


“It would only take Reform and the Conservatives to unite and they might have a majority on the same scale we had this year,” he said. “But under PR, Labour would most likely be able to form a government quite comfortably with the Liberal Democrats or the Greens, and this would be preferable to a Conservative-Reform government.”

Any idea how many seats the Tories would have won if Farage hadn’t split the vote.

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No, because it’s too simplistic to think that every Reform voter would simply have switched to the Tories.


It is not a terrible guess though, when thinking about the next election when the Tories won’t have the burden of an incumbency gone rotten. For this election, Reform was clearly in some measure a protest vote, but a unified party might deliver a significant percentage of that. On the other hand, PR would do the work of a merger for them, and it is probably equally simplistic to think that a left-progressive coalition is the automatic outcome of a Labour-Green-LibDem majority. After all, the last coalition government the UK had was Conservative-LibDem.

I would love for Labour to be listening to the LDs/Greens/SNP right now about the next five years and what they’ll need to deliver on to continue to enjoy their support in order to form a government.

Sounds fecking delightful, if I’m honest.


The rage factor from Farage, his press buddies, Lee Anderson, Jenrick, along with a select few Tories is worth that coalition alone.

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Nowhere near enough to have overturned the result.

Labour won +400 seats, so even if all other parties and independants united they would still fall short

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Apparently, Farage didn’t get to meet Trump…!


Farage discovering that working for the British public is much harder than working for Putin?

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You know as a foreigner, what is the difference between UK and US politics? Sunak loses, and concedes graciously and allows the elected party to do what they promised and of course still doing their part as opposition and I am sure Labour will do the same if the results were reversed. But the US, any party wins, the other party will start hurling insults from top to bottom, calling names of those who vote them in blah blah blah…Even if is fake gentlemen showmanship, I rather that than the hooligan politics in the US.


You mean, the Republicans will do that, as they did in 2020. I don’t remember the Democrats doing that when Trump won in 2016.


It’s nothing to do with fake showmanship. It’s obeying the rules of democracy.

Why make the claim that the Democrats and Republicans are the same in this regard? It just doesn’t fit the facts.
Only one side has ever stormed the Capitol to overturn a legal election.
They are not the same.


maybe because you don’t want to hear that. I remembered when Trump won, I see a barrage of FB posts including those of my friends, calling people who vote Trump “evil people” and other names I could not remember. And yes when Biden wins, its the same…i see “traitors” and other insults thrown…so lets not try to make one party better than the other. Both parties are shite and probably what the US brought upon themselves and deserve.

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Or any other time. Where does this false equivalence come from? And how is it so pervasive that it even reaches Singapore?