UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

So basically you think that ONE random video captured the ONLY 3 non right wing rioters latching on opportunistically to loot shops?

Got it.

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Your original statement was a very definitive

implying that all the looters were just opportunists.

When that is very much not the case.

Many of then.
Or would you like specific numbers?

Bit of bickering in here.

Would anyone like to hear about the kookaburra I saw this morning?

I can totally see myself becoming a sad old cunt who goes bird watching in my retirement.


We can have a sub forum for sad old cunts.
I’ll apply in a few years


I mean looting is, almost by definition, an opportunist crime.

It’s consequential to something else that is going on. If the theft is planned then it is burglary or robbery.

The looters during the Blitz were not the ones dropping the bombs, just the ones benefitting from it.


Did you know that Kookaburras are related to Kingfishers?
Something like that crazy old uncle who buggered off to Australia and gets drunk and laughs too much and too loud.


I remember the Kookaburras from Western Australia. They’re sarcastic sounding buggers. I actually thought they were taking the piss after a while.


I did know that.

They are bloody beautiful up close.

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Aussie cockatoos are something. Used to gorge themselves on our almonds. I remember my Dad trying to teach our Dalmation how to scare them. It did not go well, our dalmation was immensly stupid, or maybe not in this case.


I’ve just been on the phone to one of my friends, who lives in Bristol, and he told me that the far right turned up, saw the size of the counter protest (he, his wife and two of their grownup sons were part of the anti-racist rally), and left sharpish.


Some of my friends attended and echoed the same sentiments. It doesn’t surprise me, Bristol is a very diverse, liberal place. Scenes like we saw a couple of days ago were in no way an accurate representation of that city and the people within it will sure as hell be willing to fight to keep it that way.




Very good to see this.



Why oh why can’t people just think and use some common sense before they act - 55yrs old as well

Woman first to ‘spread false rumours’ about Southport stabbing suspect speaks out

Bonnie Spofforth, from Cheshire, managing director of a clothing company, reportedly claimed that the suspect was an asylum seeker who arrived in the UK by boat, before it transpired that he was not.

A businesswoman accused of being the first person to spread false rumours about the Southport stabbing suspect has said she’s sorry.

Bonnie Spofforth allegedly falsely claimed the suspect was an asylum seeker who arrived in the UK by boat, The Mirror reported. It soon after transpired the accused Axel Rudakubana – was born in Wales to Rwandan parents.

The claims, spouted and shared widely online, helped ignite race-fuelled violence and unrest, with major rioting in Southport spreading to towns and cities across the country.

Now, Ms Spofforth says she’s “mortified” and “literally destroyed” over her words.

The 55-year-old appeared to claim the suspect was an asylum seeker called Ali Al-Shakati who was on an MI6 watch list. Her post is believed to have been the first to use this incorrect name, which was then widely shared by other accounts, the Mirror reported.

Her original message on X at 4.49pm on the same day of the attack read: “Ali Al-Shakati was the suspect, he was an asylum seeker who came to the UK by boat last year and was on an MI6 watch list. If this is true, then all hell is about to break loose.”

Ms Spofforth, from Cheshire, who is the managing director of a clothing company, continued: “My post had nothing to do with the violence we’ve seen across the country. But I acknowledge that it may have been the source for the information used by a Russian news website.”


So where did she get her ‘info’ then?


Is this the sort of woman that runs into a crowded theatre shouting, “Fire!”