UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

Wednesday week?

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if anyone expects me to turn up, Youā€™ve Got My Number, Why Donā€™t You Use It?

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Good that heā€™s revealing his True Confessions about a subject heā€™s pasionate about.

Honestly, in my area they are all marked at 20mph. Where i feel the problem is that some areas parhaps could have stayed at 30mph or there is not a suitable transition i.e. 60mph to 20mph is just not great.

Scotland do this better. They cant do road closures though. Story for another day.

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Iā€™m wondering if part of the intention is to normalise 20 as the default, because even if you feel that the road could have stayed at 30, the statistics really show a marked improvement.

Iā€™m not sure about the transitions part though, because I get the concern if theyā€™re not signposted properly, but if theyā€™re signposted the way I remember things to be in Scotland or I think it was the Peak District for example, there usually is quite a bit of a warning prior to the actual change. Drivers can well slow down, they just donā€™t want to.

Quite commonly, in Germany, You will get the speed going from 100kph down to 50kph but with a 70kph limit marked 200 meters or so further back before the 50 kicks in. 30kph tends to be for residential streets or where there are schools, nursing homes and the like.

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It is yes, 20mph for towns etc. but i feel that could have been done with some pragmatism rather than the sledgehammer approach. It has lead to some odd speed limit changes or stretches of road where you simply ask why? Elsewhere they got it right etc.

Scotland, to their credit have countdown markers on the approach to every town (I visited) and it will be a 30mph with the 20mph zone further in. Sometimes there was a 40mph zone before the 30mph too. It just made sense.

Why the fuck am I noticing this shit on holiday? Anyway i dont think it needs drastic changes to maintain the accident stats improvements, if anything I think they could help.

I would argue that itā€™s the odd changes that youā€™re talking about that are the bits that need fixing. In any case, I think a change to the NSL for built-up areas to 20 is probably the best way to go.

Ah yes thatā€™s what Iā€™m referring to. Love that system, but for sure it probably annoys the drivers behind meā€¦

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Just back from France where most pedestrian busy areas are now seem to be 30kph/20mph.

It makes a lot of sense, and is literally the difference between life and death in the event of a collision. Iā€™d be hugely in favour of 20mph where people are walking about.


And in built up areas it is quite common for raised pedestrian crossings to be built 50-100m apart so that speed limit feels natural and appropriate for those areas.

I started this convo for the Tory burn, but now Iā€™m finding out youā€™re all speed demons.

TAN really is the marketplace of ideas.


Who has done more damage to the UK in the last 10 years, Farage or Johnson?

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The BBC, for enabling them both.


Iā€™ll pay that.

I think fuckstick Farage has more to worry about than the ECHRā€¦

His ideas are on the nose, and he knows it.

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He doesnā€™t care about the social impact of his racist invective.

Itā€™s all about what is in it for him.


Laughing my arse off at these ā€˜proud and paid up Reform membersā€™.

Well done, you gave your money to a private company. Genius move.


Itā€™s not just the bbc that has enabled them though.

The whole UK media network is guilty of peddling their lies and bullshit


The difference is that the BBC is meant to be a public service broadcaster. The public is not served by allowing known liars to tell their demonstrable lies on the most widely watched news and current affairs without any pushback.

The BBC had a reputation for being reliable and trustworthy. That has an impact that the likes of the Mail and S*n could only dream of.


Whenever people talk about Human Rights as a pejorative, I always wonder what species they think they are.