UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

How dare you bring facts into this you leftie commie!


Yup meritocracy has been disproven to be an absolute lie. A fallacy.


I can only imagine the comment you are referring to, but this shit from the right doesnā€™t half boil my piss.

The idea that nurses, teachers etc donā€™t work hard. What nauseating, insulting bullshit.

Weā€™ve known public finances are fucked for ages. We have known what Labour were about to inherit. For that we can blame the Tories for literally giving away all the money. 20 odd billionaires in the UK in 2010. More than 200 now. What a fucking con. I hope Starmer absolutely rinses the extremely wealthy. Tine for that money to come back, insofar as it ever can with these slippery fuckers.


No it absolutely doesnā€™t. It means that because you do, you must to pay for those who wonā€™t. Do broad shouldered people earn more than slim people? No idea, but then thatā€™s not the point.

What boils my piss is a grown adult who canā€™t keep their word.

Well, no one is perfectā€¦


Your point is? I did say Iā€™d come backā€¦ā€¦

But can I add an extension to the room I clearly have rent free in your head please?

I assume youā€™re referring to Starmer and his pre election promise that they wont increase taxes for normal working people?

Well, personally Iā€™m waiting for the budget to see what theyā€™re definition of normal working people is and Iā€™ll go from there. Will I be pissed if it includes me? Yes, definitely.

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Sorry mate no. The boiling piss is the clue.

ā€œIf wealth was the inevitable result of hard work and enterprise, every woman in Africa would be a millionaire.ā€ ~ George Monbiot


Woke lefty.


Very broad shoulders though. Odd that.

This is all very simple. Socialism is those who can and do should pay for those whoā€™d frankly rather be doing fuck all.

Sounds French, probably.

Well done, youā€™ve figured out the analogy. Itā€™s nothing to do with hard work

Ah yes, one of the classic RWNJ lines

Iā€™ve got bad news for you, my friend: itā€™s utter bollocks.


Fiscally responsible my arse.


ā€œRepeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truthā€ - Goebbels


It really bugs me that the ā€œUKā€ has essentially just shrugged its shoulders and moved on with an attempted clear up.

It doesnt feel right that we just accept that previous government ministers essentially maxed out the credit cards using public money and they can just disappear into the background.




Itā€™s not even that. We have the former Home Secretary who presided over that running for the leadership of the Conservative Party.


There are no penalties (other than the General Election) for being shit at running the country. However, there are rules that are meant to prevent government from having their fingers in the till. Iā€™m pretty sure that there are plenty of contracts that have been awarded on the basis of a brown paper bag and ā€œgentlemenā€™sā€ agreement.

There are rules against that. Unfortunately, I donā€™t know how many of those are enforced post-Brexit.