UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

I suppose thats my question. Is it being shit or deceitful? I’m leaning towards the latter and there’s zero comeback for that, which in my opinion is wrong.

The article linked above states that ministers repeatedly and deliberately low balled the figures.

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I think that would count as being shit. Some ministers do this deliberately because the worst thing a department can do is to underspend. The second worse is to balance the budget, because when the next spending round comes in they will see this as an indication that they don’t require more budget or can accommodate cuts.

However, this looks like they have been deliberately running the department badly (in respect to the asylum system). I’d look at who owns all those shit hotels that are being used as accomodation, because that is where the money has gone.


Yeah, it’s bollocks that some people are bone idle.

You understand basic maths yes? Who earns more, the person doing job X for twenty hours a week or the person doing the same job, same age etc for 40 hours a week.

Yes some people get paid a fortune for little work (posting this on a forum dedicated to a Premier League football team is a delicious irony) but in normal, work harder and get paid more.

As numerous people have already pointed out it’s not as simple as that

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Yes it is, it’s always very simple. A brain surgeon earns more per hour than a Tesco shelf stacker for bloody good reason. But you don’t get to be a brain surgeon without a colossal amount of hard work. It really isn’t rocket science. Getting yourself into a position to earn mega money “can” be a quirk of fate or a rich parent but more often than not it’s because the person worked their arse off.

The people who spend the money in our shop are self employed builders, painters, sparks etc. Oddly, the harder and longer they work, the more they get paid.

But being as you’re the expert, I presume you work an hour a day and live in Aruba?

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It’s simple if you take extreme examples.

Talent (and hard work) are equally distributed but opportunity is not

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WeeJoe Allen, stop complaining, no one cares. Work harder!

I get paid very well, but work less hard than I did as a primary school teacher 20 year’s ago


We all knew what would happen with a Labour government. Always does. Leopard and spots.

What annoys me is 2 things. Those with the broadest shoulders…… it’s percentages. Those who earn more will therefore pay more.

Working people. I have worked fecking hard all my life to have what I have. I was given nothing, went to a rubbish Yorkshire comprehensive. Now I would be considered relatively wealthy. I have always paid all my taxes. So I am in their sights. Why? To help those who do not work or have not tried?

It frustrating.


All the bullshit stereotyping when by far the vast majority who receive government assistance are simply trying to get by, often working their arses off but being underpaid.


Many I am sure. Many not.

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Ah, so somebody thinks you’re smart. Good. You’d get paid a LOT more if you worked harder then.


That is not what I said. That’s the issue with UK politics. It’s tribal. Black and white. Life is not.

We need to fundamentally change the NHS and how it’s funded. But it’s too politically difficult.

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I said I have worked hard. Now I am penalised.

Yeah. it’s always the underpaid, the downtrodden, the oppressed etc. Benefits and working hard? Working wrong more like or possibly living a lifestyle beyond physical and mental ability.

Well you will never agree with me or even listen. That’s ok.


And for the record. Modern business is all about money. Whatever bs is said about purpose etc. I think it’s broken. It’s only about shareholders.