UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

Your hypothesis (because thats all it is) only works if all jobs are equal. They are not. A school teacher will never earn the salary of a banker / hedge fund manager no matter how hard they work. A brain surgeon (your example) may have done a heap of studying, carries huge responsibility and so on but is still out stripped by many professional sports people.

Plus the work hard thing may help you get on working within a firm but promotion is often linked to softer skills or simply how your face fits.

Someone has just left my place of work to join another firm. He has stepped down in responsibility and designation but his salary has increased considerably.


Oh I agree. My sister is a doctor. So is my nephew. Criminal what they have to do to qualify and then the outcome versus hedge fund etc. That’s my point. Modern business is wrong. Gives nothing back. I know I was part of it.

But you have to admit for every underpaid nurse there are many who game the system. Not all. I will happily pay tax for a nurse.


And maybe this is an argument I should not enter. 30 days no alcohol and we need a DM!

And the video is the ultimate stereotype. That’s my point. Money versus working class is a 50s argument. It’s not relevant for the nuance and complexity of today.

So you think the number of people gaming the system outnumbers the people working hard?

Are you liquifying the Daily Telegraph and injecting it directly into your bloodstream?

The welfare budget is huge, but the vast majority of that is on state pensions. Funny how those lovely right wing boomers never think of themselves as recipients of welfare.

What’s left gets divided up between disability benefits, family benefits and unemployment benefits. The money from the welfare budget that goes towards the unemployed is a very small percentage, and the amount claimed fraudulently is a small percentage of that.

Benefit fraud is not a big deal. It’s so small that successive governments, blue and red, have realised that to attack it would cost the taxpayer much more than the amount that would be recovered.

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Yeah ok. I do not read the Telegraph. But you stereotype me. Your bad.

Anyone perpetuating the trope that ‘I have worked hard and therefore I deserve my riches and it shouldn’t be taxed’ is untroubled by concepts like ‘nuance’ and ‘complexity’.

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If you listened. I said politics is broken. We cannot afford the NHS that was designed for a different time. Society has changed. It’s not money versus working class. I hate inherited privilege. I want a different system. But I want everyone to care. Not blame. If you are Labour why hate someone who has given their life to earn for their family?

No I should be taxed. I am. 45%. Learn about percentages. See that 1 % of tax payers contribute so much.

I am happy to debate but….

And mascot. Google percentages. You clearly do not understand them. Earn more. Pay more.

You annoy me. I have worked too much. To miss my family and affect my mental health. But I am privileged? That’s the thing. I wish we all got the same as we put in. I put in a lot. Happy to pay tax. Never avoided it. Wished nurses got more. But do not feck me for trying.

You think it’s about ‘hatred’? And you want your opinion to be taken seriously by other adults?

The finances of the country are a fucking skipfire. There is no money. Hundreds of billions of pounds have been lost to economic mismanagement, acts of economic self harm, and good old fashioned naked corruption. That’s a legacy of 14 years of Tory government.

Labour need to raise money quickly. Where do you propose they raise that money? Squeezing the disabled, the single parents, the lowest paid again like Cameron did?

Just to widen the net from you slightly, I notice it’s all the people with union jacks all over their grubby bio’s on social media complaining about this. People unwilling to pay a little more, if they can afford it, to get their country out of a hole. How patriotic.

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We all work hard, darling. You are not a special case. Some of us work a lot fucking harder than you for a lot less money.

Feck you. You have a stereo type. Labour need to raise ,one because this economy is unsustainable. NHS cannot funded how it is. Benefits budget cannot be so high. Pensions are fecked.

You are looking through you same tribal lens. That’s my point. It’s not me versus you. I grew up very poor. And too be honest wish I did not work so hard to try to be someone.

Ans mascot “ darling”. Not even me as poor boy tried would ever say that.

I have paid a lot more. It’s percentages. You my not understand. 45% of my earnings I pay willingly.

But spend it wisely. And do not say you need 75% as I have broad shoulders.

Are you pissed?

No. Do not drink. But you have a view. Engrained. Enjoy it.