UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

I try to be opened minded. Find a solution. But current politics. Tory versus Labour will never find it.

I wish the best for my country.

And is ok. We all have our views. I am tired today. So. Let’s disagree.

No you don’t.

You pay nothing on the first 12.5k, then 20% on everything above that to about £50k. Then 40% on everything up to 125k. It’s only 45% on what you earn above that.

Personally I don’t see a problem with raising that top rate. Nobody earning over 125k is struggling and couldn’t afford to pay a little bit more.

You’re making this ask of a government that is a couple months in power, has found a colossal black hole in the nations finances because of 14 years of Tory mismanagement.

You’ll see Labour spending our money a lot more wisely than the last bunch of corrupt cunts.

By the way you are posting like you are drunk. Post something, step away and let people reply. Fucks sake.

No I don’t? lol. How the feck do you know?

The black hole is a game. To do what every Labour government does. Spent 26billion in 26 days. Saved the train drivers who struck the next day. Get a grip.

And the thing you do not feel. I gave so much to earn more than 125k. So not that’s easy? I deserve to be punished! I paid in mental health, time with family…

Was that right? Maybe no.

And you believe the black hole! Lies to justify same old Labour. Someone justs need to say this country is fecked. What you thought was ok in 1960 cannot work.

Because that’s literally the UK tax rate.

If you have been paying 45% of your earnings in tax, then you should contact HMRC, as you are owed a rebate.

Picked up on this point. I agree that its unaffordable in its current guise but reaching out to the private sector is also not the solution.

Public sector contracts and procurement is completely broken, hugely expensive, and slow. Basically its hugely inefficient whether you are buying burgers for the canteen, masks or procuring a multi million pound surgery contract. It simply does not deliver value for money, which all the processes that public sector procurement has to go through are supposedly designed to do.

The last government have just put in place some changes that are supposed to help. So far I’m not sure they do.


I do need a tax rebate. I have paid what i owe. I have never avoided it. Never will.

I am a consultant. Have seen the public sector. It’s a mess. I love the 25% who do it as vocation. Many more use the system. The system is inefficient and broken.

But that’s my point. So is the private sector. Gives nothing back. Says it does but it impacts shareholders. It business speak bs.

Again with this fucking narrative that you’re the only one working hard or making sacrifices.

There are a lot of people sacrificing a lot more time with their families for a lot less money. There are people trying to hold down two and three jobs because as a society we’ve decided that employers don’t have to pay a living wages. We’re having to top up incomes of people who actually go to fucking work so they can feed their kids and run a household.

Again, hard work is not the preserve of the wealthy. If it was every nurse and teacher would be a millionaire.

Of course there are some people who take the piss and sponge of the state (a lot less than you’d think) but I’d also argue that their are a lot of people earning a fuck tonne of money who do very little for it.

There is no cosmic justice at play where people always get what they deserve. There is good luck and bad luck and everything inbetween.

To come back to the original argument, don’t complain that Labour are having to raise taxes after the shitshow we’ve had to live through for the last 14 years, and certainly don’t complain if you earn over £125k. You can afford it.

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Ans we believe this government will help? Union led! Come on

I fecking hate Farage. But his questions were right. Of course he had no answer but it’s the date we need. But then it’s left it’s right. Someone wins. Politics is not for the good of the people. It’s for the good of those in power. I hated boris bit Starmer has started the same.

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Aha so earn 125k so can afford to pay for the countries ills? I have given so much to earn this much. You have no idea. You judge based on wealth and you do not see more. Shame on you .

When I got off my school bus at 12 and was beaten senseless. When my dad had clinical depression and came to see presents on Christmas Day and then left to go o bed. Feck you for being ignorant and stereotyping yourself.

Yeah Mascot. Show yourself as ignorant. Enjoy it. I tried to debate but…

But ok. Working class victim. If you do not listen and try to engage then it’s ok.

And. Fecking meme! No idea why people find them funny.

But yes send me another shit video of someone and assume you are superior.

Maybe a cat?
