UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

Open your fecking mind. Find a solution. Oh blame the rich? Benefits are great? Ok nice answer.

Erm yes. If you earn 125k you have broader shoulders than someone who earns 25k. Do you disagree with that?

And what about someone who earns 125k but hasnā€™t made the sacrifices you have? Is it OK for them to pay more tax? Do you want some kind of pay what you feel tax system?

That is only if you are on paye. There are some factors where you lose the tax-free bracket.

Seriously mate, you seem pissed. Maybe sober up and try again tomorrow.

Seems like heā€™s on drugs to me.

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No I happy to pay more. I do through tax. I hate how people think I an entitled.

If you ask my therapist and had to fight depression for working too muchā€¦

You all stereotype. .

Yes the tonality is off, but fucking hell accusing someone of being pissed (when they state they donā€™t drink) or on drugs for a mod is not good form

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Yeh fine. Alocohol drugs. Whatever. Do not debate. You are all ok. Rich should pay even if they worked for it.

No I am annoyed.

What the fuck am I supposed to do with this?

Youā€™re a consultant earning a six figure salary, and you canā€™t organise your thoughts on a discussion board into a single coherent, understandable argument?

I don't believe you April Fools Day

Fine. Say I a drugs. Enjoy your oft wing live in.

Mascot I cannot argue with dogma.

Even so, Iā€™m not seeing how one makes it to a 45% overall taxā€¦

And if they didnā€™t, what would you say about the posting style then?

Ok. I tried to debate. Got told I was drunk. lol
Love this site.

Maybe he shouldnā€™t be repeatedly posting streams consciousness non-sequitur posts seven or eight in a row. Itā€™s fucking ridiculous.

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Fucking hell.

And you have no debate. Same old ideas. Itā€™s fine. Be you. Close you fecking eyes to reality. Blame the rich. The king should die!

Then just ignore , there could be a whole reason why they are posting ( one alluded to could be factored in as they mentioned mental health, they may be struggling and need to vent )