UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

I have mental health issues for sure. Is ok.

I never said that it would. I was pointing out that for those that are seld employed or freelance you pay tax on all of your earnings

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If you’re self-employed, you’re still entitled to the usual £12,570 tax-free allowance. This only starts to reduce if you earn over £100k.

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I pat what I a due. More as I earn more.


For me its not so much the people that earn £100+k salaries but more those that earn buckets from very little.

Remember our former pm paid a grand total of 22% tax on his earnings of well over a £1m last year from memory. That £700-800k he had left over probably disappeared into more hedge funds or whatever. We paid for his living expenses.

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Ok sorry. I have been off work for 2 years with long covid. Get tired.

Just annoyed that people who work hard and aspire seem to be th enemy.

And not looking for sympathy. It is how it is. Many people re worse.

No many people who earn 100k have no life. Are broken.

No one gives you money.

And yes the super rich who avoid tax I have no time for. Lock them up.

There is nothing wrong with working hard. “Aspiration” is another story; people wanting too much has fucked up the planet and led to high levels of crime and mental illness.

But, ultimately, it’s not a level playing field. When we’re born, we don’t all have the same chances in the game of life. And that’s what a lot of people don’t understand.


Ok. Maybe I do not. Had nothing. Grew up in Yorkshire. School was hell. But maybe others have less. I am not special. I have paid for my career. I wish I could have cared more. I hate how this economy divides us. As I say. It 1950s. Workers versus the masters. But the unions are no help.

Going to bed chaps. lol long Covid. Would love to really debate. I hate conflict.

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Without unions, workers would have even less than they do now.


Yeah but like politicians. Unions want to feel important. Celebrity. It’s not for the workers anymore.

Mate, no-one is ‘the enemy’ here. This is where you are going wrong. No one hates you. Nobody is out to get you.

Despite your cynicism, there is a massive financial hole. The cupboards are bare and the Tories have fucked everything. Brexit is costing billions a year, they’ve given all the money away, and Covid was like a sweet shop for these fuckers. That’s reality.

The question now, especially, with borrowing off the table, is what do we do about it? Tax rises are really the only answer, and I’d argue that those tax rises should be aimed and people earning more, not people earning less.

I understand that you think you worked hard and sacrificed a lot for your income - I’ve no reason to doubt that, but Christ almighty. Read the fucking room on this one. Almost everyone is working hard, and for a lot less than £125k. There are people in this country living in poverty conditions and they are working very hard indeed.

Governments cannot take personal circumstances or special pleading into account when designing the tax system. If you earn 125k you have broader shoulders than someone earning 25k. That’s just maths. It isn’t personal.

I would rather Labour tax people earning more than do what the Tories did and hammer the most vulnerable in society.

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I hate. Television with whoever. The interviewer is king. A name. Try to trap a quote. So none gives a quote. Paxmon, ridge… whoever. It is part of the broken system. If I make you sat something bad I am a celebrity.

But Starmer looks like he’s going to double down on the hammering instead, as predicted

Mascot I agree. We need an all party agreement to change and fix the country. As much as I did not like the last coalition tried.

We knew he would.