UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

Noted. I meant pension credit etc.


I think this is important. It would be odd for them to target cuts on pensioners first without some sort of plan because it is obvious there would be significant blowback from doing so.

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I’d also wager that what’s admitted to be spilt is probably half what actually is. No way a huge sewage plant would have some curious pipework, nah, no way whatsoever.

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The BBC has reported that they’ll kick off in 2026.

I would be gobsmacked if some stakeholders aren’t strung up, but whether it is meaningful or performative…who knows…

It’s an old trick. Put something horrendous out there. Everyone goes hysterical for a few weeks. Then announce something that is bad, but not so bad, and everyone thinks they got let off lightly.

I’m trying to remember what the compromise was about removing free TV licences from pensioners.

I think this has been known for some time. Their party membership is generally much further to the right than the rest of their voting base.

Further evidence in support of the thesis is always welcome I guess…

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X = sewage incident
! = pollution incident

Take your pick.

Weather was properly nasty on Monday morning. A proper deluge that had all the road gullies struggling. So they will argue that there’s some mitigating circumstances but the frequency (and growing is a concern)
Snap shot of history at my favoured kitesurf beach does not make good reading. The history shows how bad Monday was.

The cladding company should have their trading license revoked. They knew their products was dangerous, sold it anyway and lied about it consistently. And then hired PR people to back themselves after the fire.

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What is a pollution incident, in contrast to a sewage overflow?

When I lived in Cornwall for a while, one good piece of advice I have remembered… Do not frequent a beach, or enter the water, unless it is popular with the local community…! Just because you can’t see the sewage, or harmful bacteria in the water, no matter how clean the waters look, doesn’t mean it is not there.

It is a serious problem, that needs serious legislation thrown at the culprits, that knowingly cause the issue.

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Definitions taken from: The Safer Seas & Rivers Service - Surfers Against Sewage

Judging from these definitions, it seems that they’re not orthogonal definitions, i.e. it’s possible to have a sewage outflow but because of positive weather situations, no pollution risk forecast, but also if there’s a freak incident that results in pollution retained in a particular spot, perhaps from farm runoff or something similar, it can activate without a sewage outflow.

Of course there can always be both as well.

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Do you mean the company that fitted it or the manufacturers? Kingspan and Celotex are widely used in the building industry. I’ve used the stuff myself. I wasn’t actually aware that they made a non-flame resistant variety. It was often used to supplement rockwool and fibreglass which are pretty much incombustible and would actually stop a fire spreading.

I have a friend who works as a quantity surveyor. He says that the reason that most new houses in the UK are built like crap is that they will use the cheapest materials possible. I just wonder how many building firms will have used the flammable cladding materials because it saves them a few pennies on a build.


I couldnt say,

I suspect there are alert trigger levels. What happens before that trigger level is anyone’s guess

The Scargillites be like, fuck em, they’ve lived long enough and they’ll only keep turn the heating up

Ten points for guessing/remembering which of the main political parties had a leader that openly advocated letting pensioners die in the last few years.


But but but what about what about…….

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IF I was PM?
Close the tax loopholes that the super rich and massive corporations exploit?

Remove “Toryesque” politician expense claims.
Drop in the ocean, but a statement to prove they’re the peoples party.

Look closer to home and stop fleecing my own country with second home fuel allowances?
Stop giving ourselves meal allowances that could cover a family of 4?


All good. They are going after non dom status for starters.

Cant disagree with the others either. I’d go further and stop MP second incomes.

I dont think that fills the hole though.


At the risk of being labeled “far right” ( I use Twitter so must be, right?)
Perhaps review the amounts sent in foreign aid.
We have people of all ages struggling financially, yet send tens of billions overseas.

Send notification to everyone who qualifies for pension credit but doesn’t claim it (most likely through ignorance of it).