UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

Given the precarity of how that majority was achieved, they would be well-advised to push electoral reform through.


I agree that it’s what they should do.


Careful now, that’s verging on “both sides are the same” with regards to competence…

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Not happy at all.

I’ve seen offshore processing at work in Oz, I know someone who worked on the islands as a psychologist.

Would be a huge mistake.


Don’t often agree with you on this thread but I do here. No jail time for paying to view child sexual abuse, but those planning peaceful protests about climate breakdown got 3-4 years.

Edwards lawyers allowed to plead mitigating circumstances of his mental health, but climate protesters were forbidden from highlighting their motivations.

Justice system is fucked. Will always protect the rich and famous


If Labour REALLY wanted to save the economy, they’d do something about this.


There is a difference in that the climate protesters were trying to plead mitigating circumstances against conviction whereas with Edwards it was sentence.

I don’t think with Edwards it made much difference to sentence. There was detail in the prosecution case which probably did.

Interesting but not surprising. I’m left wondering how much of this was “by design” or just a consequence of the previous government striiping services. Worth noting there is a notable upkick pre covid. The cost is huge. £4.5bn in lost tax revenue alone.


Please tell me where I referenced Labour or blamed them? The opposition is made up by more than one party.

What is this based on? Even the use of the word ‘notion’ you are implying belief. I still do not see anything in SBYM’s post that supports his statement. Furthermore, how is this in comparison to other countries?

Apologies, I overstated the 39m by 2m. The figure was taken from the Press Gazette article you linked, which when you read through the article actually highlights the reduced influence of RW media.
And the ‘lean’ of the BBC…there is paranoia from both sides. However, It is considered neutral, unless you take into account, Have I got news for you, where you may think it is LW.

Are they not included in that then? Also, as the largest component of the opposition, it’s quite some mental gymnastics to then claim that your statement did not lay the blame on them.

Does it? Or does it highlight the reduced influence of print media? Note that the Press Gazette article does not include online views.

Sorry but that is a very simplistic way to look at things. Have I Got News For You, a comedy programme, is just one of the many things output by the BBC. Sure, you might say it’s left-leaning, but then people don’t watch it to form political opinions. I’d say a more pertinent question is what political lean the news operations and political coverage have.

Why don’t you try answering the question with a direct response. Rather than move the goal line to the point you originally made.

You posted a graph regarding the increase in wealth of the UK’s billionaires. Suggesting it was as a result of Tories looking after their own.
This graph does not show where the money comes from. You also said that the graph doesn’t show Britain in a good light, to which I asked if Britain was the only country where the billionaires wealth grew as a whole. Rather than answer, you deflect and post the link in support of some point you are trying to make.

Reading the link you provided as support, I found this little Titbit.

“Since 1980, the share of income earned by the top 1% in the UK has generally been rising, peaking at 14.7% in 2007 before the financial crisis.”

So, it has been generally rising under various governments, where it peaked in 2007 under Brown and a Labour government.

And this.
“The UK’s wealth distribution is roughly average compared to the other OECD countries. The UK has a wealth GINI coefficient of 74.6%.”

Depending on how you want to use facts to support a point of view. Using the link you posted I could say that since the 1900’s the UK has improved its inequality dramatically. However, if we are being pragmatic, it has remained fairly stable, maybe even improving over the last 50 years.

And yet a Labour government has just decided to stop Winter fuel payments for a lot of people.

Look, I am not going to try and pretend or convince anyone that the UK/World in general is fair/financially balanced. It never has been, there has always been a pyramid system and the Rich usually tend to get richer. But as of yet, unless I have missed something, you have failed to justify/back up the points that you have made.

Mental gymnastics or not, I am not laying the blame on Labour for the Tories mis management. You, I and others are happy to lay the blame on the Tories for things, but why can’t we question why they were in power for so long to make these bad decisions. I’m not blaming Labour for everything but if you feel I am then, I stand corrected.
It’s a case of accountability, Tories made the bad decisions. The opposition (including Labour) did not provide a mandate that convinced the public to believe in them. As I said, that’s not laying blame thats stating the facts.

If it highlights the reduced influence of print media and does not include online views then wh u to support your point?
I can’t be bothered reading it again, but the title itself states Starmer would have an easier ride than his predecessors and I’m sure there are charts showing the reach of the BBC/Sky News….

A very simplistic way to look at things…why? Because it’s a comedy? So, because it’s a comedy their views will not influence anyone, would you say the same thing if it was more Right leaning? How about kussenberg and Adler?

Look, we are going to have to beg to disagree. But one thing is for sure, I want Labour to be successful and make the right decisions.

Hard to disagree with the former PM here.


Disagreeing with Brown and Blair doesn’t even require one to know what they’ve said.

I’d rate a lot of what they say over anything from Farage, Rees-Mogg, Jenrick, Badenoch, Sunak, Johnson, Braverman, Patel, Frost, Davies, Hunt, Tice, 30p, Baker and so on. Musk and Trump too.


You forgot Starmer

That include when they talk about weapons of mass destruction?

It gives me hope to see a Labour MP with the courage to call this out. At least there’s still some integrity left in the party.

Labour supporters in this forum were defending Starmer writing for the S*n, supporting human rights violations in Gaza etc., because they had to get the Tories out.

Interested, now he has a massive majority, how they defend gifts from cronies, cosying up to fascists, continuing the ridiculous ‘stop the boat’ dog whistling etc

Who’s defending it?

Excellent bit of whataboutism there. I’d trust Musk to run the country over Brown and Blair as easily as I trust brushing my teeth over dental surgery.