UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

Yes ok night. Good feedback.

Thanks Mascot.

You are Uncle Monty, and I claim my five pounds! :joy: Shat on by Tories, Shovelled up by Labour…

I like pictures


And there have been zero events in the world that have had an adverse effect on that graph. No sir, not one.

Always someone else’s fault.

Fixed it for you.


And Corbyn’s, in particular.

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That cuts off before the pandemic. I believe debt under new labour was about 45% of GDP for most of their term only jumping to 78% due to the fall in tax revenues from the recession.

That would have probably been temporary but the coalition and later conservative governments decided to prioritise cutting the debt despite the underlying economy they inherited being fairly strong, and succeeded in choking growth so you got the ratio depicted on the chart where debt went over 90% of GDP.

The only ‘external’ issue of note is self-inflicted - ‘Brexit’ which led to lower private sector investment because of the uncertainties at the time.


Stop posting sense, you.

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Holy shit! 20+ years here and someone gets the numerical sequence correct… It’s such a pity it’s unwittingly. Haha! Made my day!

I think it’s very unfair to see what Labour is doing in the first months of government and extrapolate that it’s going to just get worse. I think the only certainty and message from the public is that having Tory continue is the only certainty that things will get worse and that’s why Labour came into power. Labour will need to stop the inertia of the shit spiralling further and if course solve some key issues in the short term but to predict they are going to be bad in a few years time is unfair.

I do also however notice a few who is also dangerously saying that if the country continues to be shit in 4 or 5 years, that still Labour is not to be blamed, and that Labour cannot be held accountable and that the public should not hold them accountable and vote for other parties. Labour can’t solve everything in 5 years, true, but there must be milestones. There can’t be a free pass forever. It’s always a message that Tory messed up for 14 years, therefore Labour should also have a similar free pass before you judge them. It’s the other side of the same coin with the Tory supporters. But I think luckily most of the public would be sensible people who can decide what’s fair or not.

just posing a serious question in here, left, right or centerist…

at what level or point do you start to become alarmed at the amount of government revenue being used to employee public servants?..there has to be a cut off, becuase once it reaches a tipping point, it really is just communism by stealth

people negotiating wages and contracts with the same people who benefit from them themselves…

to me the australian size of government is a bit of a worry now…not calling to arms a revolution type worry, but yeah, its pretty bloated

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My honest answer is I really couldn’t care if it was communism by stealth if that’s what works for society at large in terms of maximising social welfare while minimising economic cost. As long as government spending keeps adhering to that, I generally don’t have a problem with that.

On the other hand, I do find it bizarre the people who obsess over the size of government as opposed to the outcomes. The size of government in and of itself is rarely ever the problem. The relative inefficiencies of large organisations and concentration of power are bigger issues to me.


When for a Marxist government called Labour that’s controlled by the unions, what exactly were they expecting?

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In addition to introducing me to a new word - extrapolate - a good post.
My opinion is that the Tories managed to get themselves voted out of government, rather than Labour getting themselves voted in.
However, I think overall a change of government was needed and find it refreshing.

I maybe wrong, but I don’t really see the notion of it’s going to get worse with the public, I think there is an acceptance of this. I think Labour have been wise to manage the publics expectations and cute blaming the Tories mismanagement to justify some of their tough calls. They just need to learn to practice what they preach and not shoot themselves in the foot.

Regarding the next election, it’s all about progression. The country could still be doing shit but if there are signs of progression, things working then it would be common sense to stick with them. It also depends on the strength of the opposition(s).

For me personally, I accept that any Government will make mistakes. They have to make tough calls, calls which won’t appease everyone. However, I would rather a Government make mistakes and learn from them progressively, than make no mistakes, try to keep everyone happy and see the Country plateau.

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I’m not sure what you mean by people negotiating contracts with the people who benefit from them. The bulk of public salaries are negotiated between employers bodies and public sector unions. The recommendations for pay are usually given by independent pay review bodies and the employer (government) can accept this or go with something lower. The unions can tell their members to accept or decline this which would usually result in some kind of industrial action.

Senior civil servants have a different body that reports directly to the PM and cabinet.

In effect, it is not much different from what you would find in the private sector.

In terms of “communism by stealth” do you mean the government taking on responsibilities that would normally be thought of as functions for private enterprise? That would only really apply if it was taking over businesses that are prospering. Since the 1940s the only businesses that have nationalised are those that are failing and, generally speaking, since the 1980s this is only businesses where a collapse would severely impact the wider economy, e.g. banks and rail operating companies.


I agree with your point about the size of Government, it is all about efficiency and having the right people. Which, by going off this thread/public perception is not happening.

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