UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

Yes, scrapping tuition fees may still be the goal but considered not deliverable right this minute.

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Unless she mentioned it in her letter then i think very much think it unlikely.

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Maybe covered under “many last straws”

Dont think so. That seems independent of policy conflicts.

You’ve managed to make that look like you know, when in fact like me you have no idea and are just guessing :rofl:

Well the structure of that paragraph impliies it to be the case. Plus, i think it

I openly admit I don’t know for certain (hence my use of the word think) but the wording of the paragraph in the letter certainly implies the above - what would an increase to tuition fees be if not a policy?

There aren’t many signs of them having actual policies so far, its all been kind of make it up as we go.

Nah, the finances were clear to anybody who cared to look.

Don’t be deliberately obtuse. The Treasury itself acknowledged a completely different set of numbers post-election.


Every single new government in history. “The old lot fucked up the finances and lied about it”

Every single new manager in history “I was surprised at the players’ lack of fitness.”

Extends the honeymoon period. (Actually a rather crass gag that)

Obtuse? This is neither primary school maths nor Shawshank.

No, you’re just a troll.

Repeating the same accusation really is deliciously charming. I personally love the fact that you think I live under a bridge and spend my days writing recipes online for billy goats.

This is all deeply frustrating. I don’t know what Dane and (presumably - I ignore him) Kloppimist think was going to happen. The country is a mess and there are very few moves Labour can make. I think it was Arminius who warned of the Canadian left if centre party who came in, inherited turmoil, and ended up with no choice but to impose a hardline austerity. And our country is in worse shape than that one was.

I don’t know what people think this is. A fucking computer game you can switch on and switch off again, start from scratch? We don’t have a problem with football managers needing time because they have inherited a shitshow. Why not governments?

Angela Raynor getting shit because she once fronted a policy to scrap tuition fees. Yeah, that was under a different party leadership who had a policy of scrapping tuition fees. This one doesn’t, so fucking grow up. Or at least apply the same forensic historical scrutiny to Tories when they act against things they said years ago.


In simplistic terms, what I thought was going to happen is happening.
My take has always been, they’re all fucking corrupt liars.
I’m seeing nothing to disprove that yet.


If Keir Starmer had an ounce of political sense he would have just turned the country off, waited 30seconds, and then turned it back on again.

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Well, in fairness, there are enough football chairmen who will sack a manager every season if they don’t win every match and enough fanbases that will start to gripe about the coaches if they don’t win every match (or even if they do - check out the Wolves thread!)

I do think the media handling of the Labour government so far has been a bit amateur. I know that everyone was tired of the constant spin of the Blair government, but their actual communications were very effective.

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That is very fair. But it’s also a much more hostile media environment than Blair ever had to deal with.

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Couldn’t risk running the chance of losing the £100k in freebies he’s apparently had…I mean we’re all in this together, just some more than others

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Even though there is a stop/start between the election result, and there has been a change of Government from top to bottom, the press are continuing to roll out whatever shite that causes sensationalism - interrupting them, pausing their onslaught mentality, is bad for for business.
If Starmer is as good a politician that he thinks he is, he will get to grips with his role quite quickly and put it to right… If he doesn’t, and he just ends up being a legend in his own living room in the next 12months - well, what more can the British public do, but sigh in tandem at the hopelessness of British politics

Pah. 1990’s Canada would be Dreamland. The Tories have Austerity-ised the fuck out of the UK already for the last 15 years that there are no gains to be made heading down that avenue.

@klopptimist and @dane 's buddies in Blue have done enough damage that we are probably looking at 20 years of pain, at best. And you can thank chaps like those two for continually voting them in and making it happen.