UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

You prefer champagne socialists who’ve already been found to have their hands in the till and their frocks on credit? Put it like this:

Capitalism = work for it
Socialism = those above can pay for it

Or maybe you have a different view?

20 years? How optimistic. This country is finished and the 2 party system is dead in the water.
There are going to be an awful lot of disappointed people in 5 years time when they look around themselves at the absolute fucking state of the country and wonder why nothing’s changed. The new Tory government will tell us all how they’ll right the wrongs of the previous regime and 75,000,000 of us will continue to subsist under public services fit for half of that number.

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Yeah, but that’s because of the 37,500,000 illegal immigrants.

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Oh dear, doesnt like Labour, must love the Tories.
How simplistically naive

Remind me how much were Carries curtains again?

I dont like it either but dont forget the last lot.

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Fixed given your political spirit level needs some serious calibration

The last lot won’t be forgotten any time soon, but this lot are proving they are just as much as greedy cunts as them…

It fucking baffles me. Starmer is worth between 7-10 million if the internet is to be believed. This Lord Alli reckons he wants nothing in return for the freebies he’s given to Starmer, Rayner etc.
Wouldn’t you think Starmer - man of the people, old man was a tool-maker - would just tell him to make donations to some homeless charities or local food-banks?
Why would a multi-millionaire want to take money he clearly doesn’t need from another multi-millionaire?
Fucking snouts-in-trough is all I can come up with.


All true, but it begs the question, why wouldn’t you just have a department whose job is to ensure all top government officials PM, FM, TS are properly attired? Literally hundreds of producers/manufacturers/tailors etc…

Just give them quarterly vouchers to Primark and they can go get themselves suited up.

Dead wrong and ironically I’m plumb dead centre, NAMAS calibrated.


I wonder if anything will happen to him for this blatant lie?

Of course not, consequences are for others not for him.


I’ve always been sceptical of the claim that individuals doing their part to make the environment better doesn’t have any impact, but this is quite galling, and makes a mockery of that idea that changing individual behaviours will make a change.


It does say that they are burned for energy, but if people know that, they can sort accordingly. I agree that far too much plastic is used in packaging. We need to do more to encourage alternatives.


I contacted Tesco a couple of years ago to complain that a pack of 4 cans of own brand baked beans wrapped in plastic was cheaper than buying 4 single cans… not taking any credit but I notice now that they are in a cardboard sleeve. Why do they even need to wrap them?


This poses an interesting question though in regards to law. Are soldiers able to arrest a miltary compatant or is that something that police need to be involved to do so legally?

An if a soldier is legally allowed to make an arrest, then what is to prevent the government putting the milatary on the streets to arrest those that they deem a threat to their rule?

It comes under the Geneva conventions as to the treatment of prisoners.

Essentially, it is preferable for enemy combatants to surrender rather than fight to the death as it reduces losses of your own forces. Jenrick’s boys own bravado would make their lives much harder.

In terms of using soldiers for policing, that’s what went on during the Troubles. It isn’t a situation that any country would want to be entering.


A more effective deterrent might be, and this should apply to all convicted criminals, not just terrorists…
Get caught, serve time, get deported to where you came from.

For whom do you vote btw? SNP?

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