UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

Each of us with a pair has micro-plastics in his testes.

They found plastic in the Mariana Trench ffs…the most isolated place on Earth.

We’re totally fucked.

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I voted Lib Dems.
They hold the seat in my area and do a lot for the communities


I thought this article was of interest in terms of how many freebies the Premier League is handing out to politicians:

This is standard lobbying fayre and I would actually expect the appropriate ministers to be talking to club chairmen, but it does give an indication as to how the lobbying industry works.

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Not always that easy.

Here in France we’ve just had a case of an Algerian who raped and murdered a young woman. This after he’d already done time for a previous rape and been released. He should have been deported but they couldn’t get Algeria to take him back.


I hear Rwanda is available

No, he shouldn’t have been deported.


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If he had taken on French citizenship and renounced Algerian one, then granted, it’s a problem for France to handle. But if this guy still has Algerian citizenship, wouldn’t it be a case of just cancelling his visa in France and put him on the next flight to Algeria and it’s their problem. Unless of course he comes on a refugee status?

Refugee status should have an immediate cancellation clause for criminals convicted in their host country.

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Generally refugee status is withdrawn if they commit a crime, but they can’t be deported to their country of origin if they are likely to be killed or tortured there.

It’s a bit of a limbo situation.


This is interesting, because I have a load of suggestions on how to reduce plastic waste, and I really mean waste like the examples you’ve just cited. Genuinely useless extra packaging.


I was under the impression that it generally applies to all immigration status not just refugees?

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Getting asylum seekers back to their home country when the asylum status is refused (not talking about criminal convictions, just in general) is a huge issue here in Germany. While there are technically agreements with a few countries on paper, it doesn’t work out in practice, as the countries of origin often have no incentive to take them back. Knowing people who work with refugees profesionally, they all tell me, that most often the reason is a lack of papers/proof of identity/nationality and, again, countries have little interest in cooperation.


Possibly. There is a rule that you can’t leave someone stateless. The previous government tried to extend this to mean any nationality that an individual may be eligible for, regardless of whether they had it or not. So, for example, a Jewish person could be deported because they would qualify for Israeli nationality.

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Didn’t they succeed? I presume you’re referring to Begum. Though admittedly British courts decided that she held Bangladeshi citizenship despite Bangladesh denying that was the case, so I’m not 100% sure on the facts of that.

EDIT: Reading further on it, it seems that that legal principle wasn’t actually tested. That said, one of the intervenors on Begum’s side was a certain Richard Hermer KC, so the current government may have a different view on the legality of that. I defer judgement to those who are better educated legally.

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It was more the principle but that case was notable. A friend of mine was taking this up as he has a Jewish-German mother. He is entitled to both German and Israeli nationality through his ancestry and if this was applied he could be stripped of his British nationality.

Given what happened to his mother, you can understand his concern.


Watching a Jam documentary, where one line from their single Going Underground was highlighted.
“Kidney machines get swapped for rockets and guns”

Here we are 44 years later and the concept is still being played out in some form or other.


Just imagine the immense amount of resources wasted on wars over the history of mankind. Just for a little bit of dick-swinging.


I listened to the 4 Conservative leadership candidates. More personality, vision and conviction than anyone in government over the last 10 years. But it shows that words are easy and running the country is not!

So despite a seemingly disastrous start in their honeymoon period I will give the new government time.

You quite clearly haven’t seen the amount of flipflopping on various issues they’ve done, not just before this leadership race, but also during.

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Maybe. I was just commenting on the Q&A at the conference. Conviction may not be the right word. More a sense of direction and purpose. Not all the same for each.

But as I said - words are easy. Even getting the 120 MPs aligned behind them will be a challenge.

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