UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

Just waiting for the usual Tory MPs to come out and tell us to work more hours or get second jobs

ā€¦which will actually not help very much. Simple fact of the matter is that the UK economy from 1990-2019 became dependent on importing labour. Now it has made that more difficult from the most obvious source, so wages for the work that was being done by those workers is under massive upward pressure, but the underlying productivity of the economy is worse (fewer goods and services). More money in circulation, less to spend it on, prices have to rise to a new equilibrium.

Having all the working people add another 20 hours of work per week will increase the supply of goods and services, but has a significant inflationary effect as well.

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Not an MP, but right wing fanatic and human shitstain Kelvin Mackenzie has been doing the rounds today moaning about productivity and blaming lazy British workers for the state weā€™re in.

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Would love to know what job he has done in regards to productivity is he qualified to start labelling.

Fucking Muppet still doing the rounds and thinking he has contributed to something.

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That last paragraph has been read by Tory hq :rofl:

Probably thinking that if inflation goes up any further, they are going to really need some tax breaks to help those upper brackets make ends meet.

What Truss was proposing was absolute madness, it is actually rare to see a policy measure produce such consensus among economists - trade union economists agreeing with Chicago School guys, doesnā€™t happen easily. All it was going to achieve was increase inflationary pressure while worsening income distribution. The monetarists hated the first, the labour economists hated the second. Sunak government has backed away from the koolade, but actually hasnā€™t addressed the fundamental problem - and absolutely no one has addressed what used to be the fundamental problem

Political parties can point fingers at each other, because the problem has been around for longer than the Conservatives in government. But no one seems to have much traction on changing it.


Sunaks problem is that this is potentially still in his lap a year before election timeā€¦

Well Rishi, and all of the Tories, will get through it fine. And theyā€™ve never given a fuck about anyone else

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Well, the forward price for gilt and similar instruments suggest the markets thing the worst is yet to come, and interest rates will be at least 1% higher one year from now. When does Parliament have to be dissolved? There isnā€™t much runway left before this situation is the backdrop to the election, not just the year before. Price curve on gilt suggests not much below 6% interest rates in September 2024, and virtually every suggestion to address the situation is more or less to prolong it by mitigating the effect on one group or another.


Depends how they see things tactically. I suspect thereā€™s still a good few Tory MPs that feel the GE win is still feasible if certain things happen, get turned round. Theyā€™ll push for a late election. Those that wonā€™t will push for a GE at the moment where they feel the opposition government is the most screwed.

Hinges on the 3 upcoming bi-elections maybe. Thereā€™s 2 seats there I think with 15-20k majorities. If that gets turned it might trigger a how to fuck labour campaign.

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I heard a comment from Rory Stewart a while back that essentially said that a huge number of MPs are unemployable outside of parliament, at least on the wage that they are accustomed to. There will be a fair few with entirely personal reasons for putting off the inevitable.

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Jan 2025. Political commentators expect an election to be held in October/ November 2024.

Thereā€™s fruit that needs picking, pigs to butcher and loads of work in catering. NHS has huge vacancies as well. As does teaching and so on.

Lee Anderson will be fine though, he can live off 30p a day.

Not sure what his skill set is. Professional pub bore?

I could see a blossoming YouTube career in cooking on a budget.

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Or a new dieting fad: Fat Free With 30p Lee

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Would love to see his expenses for food