UK Politics Thread (Part 4)

It’s precisely because most people are not interested in politics that makes this prick’s lies and distortions so dangerous. He’s got , if I’m not mistaken , over 200 million followers who presumably will default to the position that what he’s saying is true. As well as Starmer , Macron and Scholz have both called him out this week too.

The guy is a white supremacist , a conman and a troll and his wealth and his proximity to power make him uniquely dangerous.


Not necessarily. Beliefs aside right wing politics has massively failed the UK over the last 14 years. It is right to be critical of it, well actually slate the crap out of it.

I would expect a new government to have a Plan A, but be flexible enough to adjust that depending on what gremlins are found as they review things. That is not plans B and C and it is what we are seeing being played out. Its clearly not popular.

As for ir the rest of that post, you are again assuming that fixes are easy and should be yielding results straight off. I dont think the stuff that has been implemented already has been radical enough to jolt the system significantly andcas quickly as people would like. As much as that plays right into the hands of the RW press, it is also the right thing to do. We saw what being stupidly radical and downright dumb does to the economy when Truss did her thing.


Sadly i think they are. Many see him as some kind of anti establishment hero. He feeds on that attention too and the leopard has revealed its spots.


How many are bots?

Probably the people who like the tech stuff and think that whole billionaire thing is cool, but usually aren’t that interested in politics who are the most vulnerable to that kinda stuff. :man_shrugging:
Like it or not, these people like Musk are opinion multipliers.



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She doesn’t have my looks (or legs)

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It wasn’t the concept that was the issue, it was the absolute shower of cunts, morons and uber corrupt bastards that were failing to implement it.

Sound like a communist there.



oh dear … lol


The Labour party did this? Wow, just wow.


It’s worth watching just to see how awful it is.


Told you: you can’t tell this incarnation of the Labour Party from the Tories.

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Someone in marketing at the Labour Party is getting fired in the morning🤣


Is Guardiola moonlighting?

I’m still not sure who it’s aimed at. Were they trying to appeal to that all important furry fandom demographic?


Yeah, but there’s at least one generation of us that havent really seen a right wing government that has delivered for the general population.

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