UK Politics Thread (Part 1)

and the huntsman that prowled the vineyards, hiding under the leaves of the vines we were training onto the wires. that would jump on you when you got too close. shudder

But wasn’t Jack’s success only possible thanks to freedom of movement and the fact that he could secure the golden goose without any tariffs? :thinking: :wink:

I know it well. I worked in the Irish pub on Fri-Sun nights. made a lot of money down there working in bars. it paid really well.

Big buggers they are as well.

I also remember the 3 pronged thorn thingies that can only be closely described as Lego. If it’s there, you will stand on it. Buggers would go through your flip flops too.

I was only little, no pubs for me. We used to go up to Lake Bonney, Bermera a lot as well.

Crikey just looking at Google Maps of it now. It 's been really developed to what it was when we used to go there.


Aren’t Brits even a little bit perturbed about their country being the money launderers for the world?

Or, Do the Brits realize that those who create the loopholes are the ones using them?

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I wonder to what extent this information has been uncovered using GreyList Trace?

As for the UK’s role. Not sure how I feel about it. It’s always been known as the global financial services behemoth, hasn’t it? Haven’t really reflected on it but will give it some thought.

What was the fall out with Swiss banks and Nazi loot? Is that an equivalent comparison? Don’t know.

Interesting to see it attributed to the fact that the UK doesn’t have a written constitution that can be found in one single document. I don’t buy that at all.

Lots of Russian oligarchs like living in London for some reason. Interesting links to the Conservatives as well. Conservatives also backed by certain media outlets.

getting a bit smokey round here but I cant say one way or another.


It’s just a new way to ensure the old adage still applies.

“…this vast empire on which the sun never sets, and whose bounds nature has not yet ascertained.”

The sausage wars. :rofl:


This is the type of shit I was going on about, you know losing rights due to BREXIT. This type of shit is backhanded and deliberate. I just hope the EU nation states don’t do shit like this!

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I kind of respect the fact that Gove clearly doesn’t give a shit of what people think of him dancing. That was always my approach and that of my mates on a night out. But then, we weren’t in our 50s. Tugendhat should know better than to encourage him!
What style of dancing even is this? The cocacabana?

Dance of the Vampires

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You have never considered the primary source of your nation’s wealth?

The British economy was built on piracy, slavery and looting, and now it’s based on money laundering for the most criminally corrupt kleptomaniacs in the world.

Give it some thought.


Wasn’t one alleged reason for Brexit was because the EU are clamping down on tax havens such as the Cayman Islands?

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