US Election 2024

why have you said knee pad?

is that a reference to oral?

Yes, it is. Far too many people on the extreme right cannot countenance a capable, educated woman, who rose up the political ladder fairly.

Just see how their leader Felon Don treats women.


Maybe youā€™re right about get against Trump. It would be interesting. Trump would hammer her on incarcerating a lot of us black folks when she was a prosecutor in California.

what a shameā€¦she seems capable from my very distant viewā€¦

ill wait for LS to confirm otherwiseā€¦

Thereā€™s a reason you havenā€™t seen her doing much as VP. Just watch her trying to speak about any topic. She just does this stupid laugh 24/7 and talks as if the audience is a 6 year old. Trust me, if she lived up to the hype that the Dems thought she would in 2020, Joe would have been kicked to the curb along time ago.

Is he flip flopping? Biden cancelled rally today due to ā€œCovidā€.

Sheā€™s a woman in power. You know there is only one way she can have possibly climbed that ladder (over men who deserved it).


Ask Willie Brown why she has that nick name.

Willie Brown was a very powerful Democrat back then. He got her positions she wasnā€™t qualified.

I think this election was lost a while back (several months ago), so dont think it matters who the dem candidate is. It would have have been a much different story if Biden had not decided to run, now itā€™s too late. I wouldnā€™t put a promising person in the race now, so just throw someone under the bus (Harris or Biden), and concentrate on keeping the senate and winning the house.

I have a 100% chance of being right about this election because I have posted the exact opposite somewhere else.

I feel like the dems know this might be lost. So thereā€™s no reason to have someone like Gavin (a white male) or Gretchen (a white female) hop over Kamala for the democrat nomination. Theyā€™re already losing some of the black community. They would literally lose their shit. At least thatā€™s what a lot of my black family members who still vote democrat are telling me.

On a side note, if Biden ā€œoptsā€ not to run, Lichtmanā€™s keys would flip to favouring a Trump win (currently Biden ahead).

They might just say f it. We put Kamala in as the nomination and see what happens.

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Not sure how accurate this is, but I definitely found this interesting.

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At this point Harris is the only logical replacement should Biden step aside.
I wonder if the Covid is opening the door a tad.
Harris was quiet during Bidenā€™s presidency as most VPs are,The other day she came across very well.The other names bandied around are unknown outside their own states so would be a bigger gamble than Harris.
To sidestep her would be hello 2028,the very significant black vote would be less than happy, the womenā€™s vote would crash.
Obama got two terms so her ethnicity should not be an issue.


Biden has made the same mistake he made regarding Netanyahu, waiting too long to make the right decision even though he knew what he was supposed to do.

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Perhaps while Joe is on the down low with Covid, he will have some cognitive testing? I think thereā€™s a bit more going on here, and while Iā€™m sure the covid diagnosis is legit, they might use it as an opportunity, away from the gaze of 24/7 news?

Iā€™m not sure what level of medical issue would cause him to bow out, but this feels to me like it might be moving along.

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When is the Democratic National Convention? Isnā€™t that the only platform to elect or endorse a Biden alternative?

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There is a really old joke that this has triggered in my head.

Youā€™re worried about the incarceration of black people? Just wait for Project 2025 to kick in.

If race is a primary factor in your voting choice thereā€™s no way youā€™re going to vote Republican.


First spygate and now project 2025? I wonder whatā€™s next.

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