US Election 2024


So Joe B. gets a few days of recovery and then gets to announce he’s stepping aside. Right?

Are you kidding me? You don’t read the full article or watch the whole video. You just skim through it or listen to something to hear what you want to hear.

He did a dedication to Corey for about 10 mins. Talked about Corey, had his firefighter uniform on stage, went over there to it (hugged/kissed it), raised over 6 million dollars for his family and the others that were injured and did a minute of silence. It was very impact to me bc a guy like Corey was just attending a rally, shielding his family from a gunmen and died. It doesn’t matter what side you support. Trump also mentioned unity and bringing everyone together.

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As I said, I hadn’t watched the whole video. I made that perfectly clear.

I am pleased to see that he did pay his respects to Corey.

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" Trump went on to attack Democrats over the numerous criminal cases that he faces. “The Democrat party should immediately stop weaponizing the justice system and labeling their political opponents as an enemy of democracy, especially since that is not true,” he said.

**“**If Democrats want to unify our country, they should drop these partisan witch-hunts.”

"Improvising and moving away from prepared remarks, he went on to label Nancy Pelosi “crazy”. And he falsely accused Democrats of cheating in the 2020 election – a topic that speakers during the previous week nearly avoided entirely as they looked towards the next election. “The election result we’ll never let that happen again. They used Covid to cheat.”

" At one point in his speech Trump declared: “I am the one saving democracy for the people of our country.” Trump and allies unsuccessfully sought to overturn legitimate election results in several swing states in 2020 and stop congressional efforts to certify the vote. He faces criminal charges both in Georgia and the federal system for those efforts"

If you took the 10 worst presidents in the history of the United States, think of it. The 10 worst. Added them up, they will not have done the damage that Biden has done,” he said, pledging to only use the president’s name once in his speech.

Much of his convention speech resembled the freewheeling stump speeches Trump has become known for. He pledged “the largest deportation operation in the history of our country” while reciting falsehoods about who was coming into the United States. Claiming that countries were emptying asylums to send people to the US, Trump veered into a bizarre segue about Hannibal Lecter, the cannibal villain from the film Silence of the Lambs.

“Has anyone seen Silence of the Lambs, the late great Hannibal Lecter, he’d love to have you for dinner,” Trump says.

“He lied about crime levels – claiming crime was rising when it is actually falling.”


They performed a crass stunt by bringing out a fake uniform and didnt even care enough to make sure the guy’s name was spelled correctly. It is notable that as of two days ago the widow has still not heard anything from Trump (probably still true, but I am only going on comments from the widow from two days ago)

The only unity they spoke of was for there to be no dissention within the party. You dont get to be a unity candidate by just adding a line talking about unity and then going on with all your greatest hits.


He mentioned the guy’s name.
He said something about unity.
What more do you all want, actual substance?


You wouldn’t have redacted your comment about it even if you watched the full video later today. Then people on this forum who don’t follow media or independent outlets would have read what you said thinking it’s true.

What I need from our press is to sit him down and get the bottom of this Hannibal Lecter bit he has developed. It makes no sense either as a policy comment or as a joke, but its been a constant over the past 3-4 months.

We need answers


It’s been remarkable over the entire week how many of the big applause lines have been based on statements 180 degrees from reality.

The best was claiming to be the party of law and order with Paul Manafort strolling around the arena, Peter Navaro coming right from prison to give his speech and then nominating Trump.


Maybe it’s a coded message for Vlad - “Every time I mention Hannibal Lecter you can bomb Kiev”

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Notable in that video clip when scanning down the back of the jacket they cut away right as they got to his name…showed it long enough to present the perception it was his uniform, but cut away quickly enough before anyone could see the name was spelled incorrectly.

I guess going by the new rules @LuisSuarez you will have to edit your comments about how honorable a show it was so people reading it later wont be given the wrong impression of what actually happened?


Just want to say Trump did pay his respects to the firefighter who died. How much of it was performative, and how much was sincere, we’ll never know. But he did do it, and it was appropriate that he did. I don’t know anything about the money raised for the family, and others affected, but hopefully that’s true too.

As for Trump talking about unity - nope, no, nada, nyet! The brass neck!

He is by far the most divisive politician I have seen. He demonizes opponents, immigrants, the justice department, law enforcement agencies, you name it…

He is responsible for an insurrection where police officers died, both during and after, and many more were injured. He whipped up a mob who were ready to hang his own Vice President. I could go on and on, but it is so obvious that Trump and unity should not be used in the same sentence.

I can barely be bothered going through his positions, because by and large he doesn’t have much. I will comment on one thing - tax cuts for the rich. Tax cuts for the rich! Trickle down economics has been discredited many times over. The wealth gap between the top and bottom is greater than ever. The average working person in America has it a lot worse than their parents and grandparents, in terms of achieving something of the modest version of the American dream - having a home, a car, decent job, kids able to go to college, affordable health care, a retirement plan, that sort of thing.

Those were the expectations of the masses when America was at its greatest, but these days those modest dreams are out of reach for huge swathes of the population. The irony is that many will vote for Trump, thinking he will deliver for them, but that is not his agenda, at all.

Which brings me to tax cuts for the rich - do the Republicans not care about the deficit any more? Trump’s tax cuts when he was in office damaged the economy and added trillions to the national debt.

Anyway, unity? Not even close under Trump. The record is there to see.
And tax cuts for the rich? How is that being a President for all Americans?


Total sidebar, but there has been a further development in the Nate Silver vs 538 aggro.

Nate has famously railed against political betting markets. This week it was announced he was hired by Polymarket, the largest player in the political betting market. The largest investor in Polymarket is Peter Thiel, the weirdo tech oligarch who funded Vance’s rise and is essentially the spirit of the new GOP platform.

So when you see openly criticize 538’s model and takes we should now understand that it is not just petty personal vindictiveness at play, but also now financial incentives to push ideas that are favorable to the betting markets.


It’s an absolute monstrosity that such a man is even allowed to go for the presidency again, and isn’t already judged for that. I wonder how anyone wanting to vote for Trump can justify that? @LuisSuarez ?


If the family never sees a penny, it would not be the first time a Trump charitable donation evaporated on examination.


It is difficult to express how big the effort has been to repair his reputation with a total rewriting of history, and how much even the supposedly liberal mainstream press has enabled this.

As always with Trump, a certain segment love him for his awfulness, but for the majority they are just responding to an information space that has aired so much doubt about the legitimacy of the opposition to him and attempts to bring him to justice that they view it as just politics as usual.

The whole he is a changed man…this now a unity message is just the latest example


I thought that too. He has form for trousering the cash.

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This cycle he has had multiple funding raising entities ostensibly for good causes that all carried the small print of how the majority raised (sometimes as much as 9 to 1) was actually going to Trump related PACs, which in turn were able to redirect money to Trump’s various legal defense funds.

But you know, he hugged the totally fake uniform in a stunt that was done with no coordination with the family, so that means he loves his people and is a real populist fighting for us…or something.