US Election 2024

So much going on here

  • Kid rock in general
  • bad lip syncing
  • the cringe of Vance having to respond to music like a normal human person
  • the white right realizing their new messiah is married to a brown woman and is infecting the blood of the country by having brown kids

We can take an educated guess…


Lots of the coverage of the early part of this convention has been the supposed populist pro-union message. Walker’s defining achievement as governor was union busting and right to work legislation (which is really right to fire legislation…you can fired at lunch time and not even be allowed back to your desk). That they focused on this messaging in his state, with him in attendance was viewed as a direct attack on him as a way of saying the old party is dead. The Trump goes on stage and reveals that he doesnt know any of that context of his own convention.

No Dem would ever be allowed to make a mistake like this and get away with it. Not just the factual mistake of not realizing the guy has been out of office for 5 years and a big part of the message of the event was sticking it to him directly (his loss was not a trivial loss either. It was the sort that sent shock waves across the entire political landscape), but his complete inability to connect his words to what is happening within his own party. Not covering Trump in this way is what has allowed the idea to flourish that Trump is vigorous and in command compared to Biden when the evidence is anything but.

The entire party is an incoherent mess. Trump stands for nothing but himself and in the vacuum everyone is rushing to fill it by presenting their ideas as the party’s creating a mess of competing ideologies and plans, all the while Trump goes out there and shows he has no idea about any of it.



Hunter Biden uses Trump classified docs ruling in dismissal of cases request

I guess Special Counsels are now no longer viable, anywhere in the US, for any matter.

If I was a US lawyer, I’d be tempted to represent the Nixon estate pro bono to set aside the entire Watergate trifle, just for the laughs.


Special Counsels are only legal if they are appointed in violation of the specific special counsel regulation.


not that it changes anything significantly, but, theres no way they would use that gentlemans real uniform, surely that is sacred and belongs to the family? definately doesnt raise or lower the tone IMHO

spelling the name incorrectly does.

He will have a spare no doubt…
The uniform per se, if it was used a symbolic prop to boost his donation kitty, then it was a good idea IMO - That family needs to be financially set for life, after what happened to that unlucky guy

Lots of talk about how angst leading up to the election could cause a short term spike in incidents making this projection be way too low, but it’s still notable that even if we throw out this current year, the best on Biden record, every other year of the Biden presidency has has been better on the violent crime MAGA are so driven to stop than the best year of Trump’s presidency

If this is an election about stopping crime - dont vote for the felon whose last term saw a crime wave
If this is an election about curbing inflation - dont vote the guy obsessed with tariffs that even his people argue will be inflationary.
If this is an election about border enforcement - The vote for the guy who actually enforced the border rather than making it a cheap prop.


I’ve been thinking about this from Bidens pov and it makes no sense for him to pull out as the democrats nominee. If he wins, he’s a genius, if he stays and loses he is tarnished, if he leaves and they lose, he will get blamed and once again his legacy tarnished. If he leaves and they win, then it’s a “I told you so, Joe”.

As always, I don’t think the Dems can win, no matter what they do. 4 years, regroup, and don’t make the same mistakes (whatever they are) that got you here.

Assassination attempts on presidential nominee’s have skyrocketed under Biden.


In 4 years I dont think the political landscape will allow a Democrat win. Trump will tear down the democratic processes that would permit them any chance of winning.

If the stakes for the entire planet werent so high there is a lityle piece of me that would love to be here in 2=3 years time and say “we told you so”. Lives of normal people will not improve under a Trump presidency.

Our little pathetic island on the other side of the pond has been through this with Brexit etc. and thankfully our parliamentary processes remained intact. The US may not have that luxury.


They have been undermined. The difference is that it blew up in the faces of the gerrymanderers.


Very much. They are in serious need of updating but at least we still had an open and fsir election.

Not sure people will get that in 4 years after a Trump presidency.


Only around half of eligible adults voted. There is an element of Schadenfreude in watching the shysters implode, but that could have taken a far darker turn.

The problems in the US seem to have been building for years. The problems probably have the same route: they assume that bad actors will not be at play. The fallacy of the decent chaps club.


Ronald Reagan was president.



No disagreement just an admission that my spelling on this phone of mine is Trumpesque

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Alberto Gonzales, he of the torture is approved as long as we dont call it torture memo, is concerned about Trump on the basis he will abuse his power if he gets back into office

Textbook case of the right message from the wrong messenger.


Say what you want about Trump, but he gives better handjobs

When did pantomime car driving become a dance? I missed that fad.