US Election 2024

It came before “big box, little box”.


Popular Democrat (one of the few vocal opponents of the IRaq war) Sheila Jackson Lee has died. On her last day on earth she posted a plea for the party to unify and get behind Biden. The Ridin with Biden crew are responding to this like a religious message and demanding her dying wishes be respected. What they are not doing is contemplating someone old enough to die in office pushing support for someone nearly 10 years older than her.

Blue MAGA is real and they are DUMB

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@Noo_Noo are you unaware of Trump’s jerk off dance?

The thing is, his supporters don’t care that he’ll abuse power because he’ll be abusing it to push through their agenda. The undecideds have been so drowned in the “They’re all the same” arguments that they just shrug and look away.

Ummm not sure its the one i remember and im certaintly not going to google it.

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100%. But this is why I actually support Bush’s decision to shut the fuck up and stay shut the fucked up. No one needs to hear him or anyone involved in his criminal administration complain about abuses of power.

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It’s become a thing that he goes out on stage to a well known gay anthem to watch him do this…

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I’ve seen that before and I don’t want to spoil my weekend, so no thanks, but the levels of irony are astonishing. A bunch of muti-racial gay guys singing about the joys of sex among the homeless is the absolute last MAGA anthem you’d imagine, but they are just too dim witted to get it.

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This is what republicans were saying when Biden was elected. I think this is the go to response for every election.

If Trump gets in, and if he screws up (as most here think he will), then the next president after that will be a Democrat. I don’t think he will screw up, maybe some things, and do well in others, only time will tell or maybe it will be a moot point.

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That was gay.

I can remember every US election since '76 and this was never an issue until Trump appeared on the scene. Not even after Bush’s dubious win in 2000. It just wasn’t mentioned.


This is such a broken way of engaging with politics. We don’t need to take what the two sides on face value and treat it as being true. It is possible to actually interrogate the various claims and determine how based on reality the warnings the respective sides are airing are.

When anyone to the left of Trump warns of democratic backsliding should he win it is because of what he has already done when in office, what those around him are openly saying they would do, and what they are saying about the lessons learned to avoid the opposition to such anti democratic moves they experienced last time. Most of all, it is a reasonable judgement on his character.

When Republicans warn of the risk to democracy from the Democrats it no more than a you are rubber and I glue type message. There is no substance to it, as evidenced by the numerous legal cases where they have refused to back up their common claims in court, somewhere where there are consequences for lying. Their intention with this is just to muddy the conversation and make the average tune out the criticisms being made against them.


Biden has never suggested that he would turn the US into a dictatorship. Trump has.

The pieces have slowly, quietly been put into place over the years allowing Trump to escape conviction (so far).

Believe me, this is the US version of Brexit but on steroids and the consequences are far higher


The problem is Trump is a charlatan, no different to Johnson. They attack the pillars of democracy, they trade off their personality and are morally bankrupt. The greed corruption and gaslighting mirrors the Tories.

Portraying all politicians as bad as each other is what they want. Disillusionment in moderates so they don’t bother.

The problem is that it’s so obvious that it’s dumbfounding. It’s akin to trying to convince someone that the Nigerian prince is not going to wire money. No one likes to be duped.

The worrying aspect is how many people don’t believe their own eyes and ears. Despite the hammering at the UK elections 38% still voted for Tories or Farage. Good chance Trump will win this election.

Every day we get closer to this

Politicians should be boring men and women driven by principles to make their country a better place. Instead we have those who crave power and corruption.


I joked about this here a few posts back. Part of Trumps speech.

So I owe immigration my life. It’s true, it’s true



I think someone just cracked the Trump code on WTF he is doing with the Hannibal Lecter stuff.

He has heard the word asylum used when talking about immigrants and doesn’t know there is a specific immigration related meaning to it and thinks it means people want to come here for our mental hospitals.


Trump has finally “released” medical details of his treatment…from Ronny Jackson who is neither the treating physician or any longer licensed to practice.

Among some of the criticisms that the press have not made more of the lack of details being provided, several people have pushed back saying they have been trying but have been rebuffed. That stonewalling is itself a big story and is utterly absent in the mainstream press.