US Election 2024


I still cannot get past the fact that a convicted criminal is the top nominee and could possibly win.

Is his court case over? As in sentencing? Prison sentence? Is he hoping to pardon himself?


Good that Biden saw the writing on the Wall,and finally moved, giving the Democrats a decent chance.
Would hope for a smooth transition to Harris,another bun fight at this stage would not help anyone except Trump.

We haven’t seen the best of Harris yet,as few VPs set out to outshine the President,probably not a great career move.
The icing on the cake would be to see a black woman ripping Trump a new one in a debate, sure he would not see the funny side of that.
But that is for another day!


The judge has not sentenced yet, but it will all be appealed by Trump, and that will extend beyond the election.

If he loses the election I expect justice to catch up with him.
If he wins, it will not.

It’s shite, but that’s how it will be.

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Kamila Harris the Giggler,


I’m more curious to know how foreign countries will handle POTUS visits if he wins?

It is a legal requirement to declare criminal convictions on visa/entry forms to any country you visit. So we could see

  1. He is so deluded he would likely say he has no criminal conviction, so would be lying on official government document. Meaning he could be held by foreign Immigration officials and refused entry to said country.

or 2. He admits it, and then could potentially be refused entry based on being a convicted felon.

Either way, that really doesn’t do a lt to help the US image on the world stage


Countries will just treat him like every other POTUS that visits. The US has too much sway and they especially wouldn’t want to annoy a president as petulant and petty as Trump. How they talk about him behind closed doors is another matter.


But that would set a bad precedent (no pun intended) for anyone else who lies on their visa application.

It would essentially be saying the the President of the United States is above the law in every country he visits.


Bush. Blair , Modi , Netanyahu , Putin say hi.

We are well past that state now

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Good to see the old man finally complying to what he promised four years ago. Far too late, but it’s still better than holding on longer. For me, it’s good riddance at that point.

I’m now wondering, will Kamala Harris be able to convince enough white american men and women to vote for her? Obama obviously managed to do that some time ago, but she has the additional handicap of being a woman. Will that be too much for her? H. Clinton failed primarily because she was a woman, let’s not forget that. It will be an intriguing race if she gets the nomination, because Trump is so utterly bad that she could beat him despite the handicaps she will have to contend with.

How many of them were actually convicted? :thinking:


“Diplomatic immunity, boyo!”, as my grandad used to say when I was 15 and I started taking the train to Bristol for nights out.

Diplomatic immunity only applies to crimes committed in the country which you are visiting.

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Wouldn’t that only cover crimes committed within the foreign country.

This is a prior conviction, so would be falsifying government document potentially which I don’t think is covered by diplomatic immunity

Im not sure I want to open this box but saying Hilary lost because of her primarily being a woman I think is a bit incorrect. While the US has plenty of opportunity to improve on gender equality within its professional settings, Hilary lost because she was an incredibly unpopular and very unlikeable candidate running against a populist “disruptor.” She also got tied to a number of foreign policy question marks that may or may not been fair.


I was just being whimsical, lads. Forgive me.

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What if he pardons himself? Would he still have to declare?

Excellent question. Does a pardon only overturn the prison sentance, or does it overturn the entire trial?

Yeah, fair enough. Being a woman wasn’t Hillary’s only problem at the time, but I’m sure that it didn’t help. The result of this election was very close if I remember well.

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