US Election 2024

He appinted her to two minor courts, courts she was more than qualified for since she was working as the assistant DA for Alameda County when their relationship started. I’d like to see your evidence that she was not qualified (also this is a funny attack for a MAGA guy to level at someone - given that Trump nominated many, many highly unqualified men and women to judicial offices on the basis that they shared his ideas on politics).

Their relationship is not a secret, both have spoken about it publically. They split in 1995 and she first ran for public office in 2003, to become San Francisco DA. I guess she was horribly unqualified for it though because she went on to become California DA from 2011 to 2017.

You say you love women but you’re just regurgitating misogynistic bullshit, an attack of “sleeping your way to the top” that only ever gets levelled at women. Trump appointed his own kids, and his son-in-law, to senior government positions but that doesn’t bother you?

Getting appointed to the California Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board during a one year relationship with a state politician - clearly that woman is sleeping her way to the top and will not get my vote, 30 years later, after proving how unqualified she was by erm… rising to the top of her profession on her own merits. “Knee pads”, of course.

Getting born into incredible wealth, then using that position to eventually run for President and appointing your own children to your companies boards and political offices, packing the Supreme Court (and thousands of minor court judges) with loyalists, some of whom where demonstrably unqualified? Well that’s all fine I see no problem there.


Trump didn’t need a sugardaddy, he had his daddy.


Another thing, by the way, the video @LuisSuarez posted had a young lady criticizing Harris for her position on the war in Gaza and being backed by corporate insiders. Then ends “vote Jill Stein”.

Jill Stein’s biggest backers in her last run at President was Google, Microsoft, Amazon and those noted anti-war activists Lockheed Martin.

She’s also got close links to Vladimir Putin, having met with him multiple times.

She’s running to try and split some of the left vote and help Trump into office. That is all.


Moralizing about affairs (it wasn’t an affair) and supporting trump :person_shrugging::ok_hand:


This entire post smacks of “I’m deeply insecure about my masculinity”.



It’s all about my precious little fee-fees.


This is a good suggestion. There should be a lot more openness as to who is buying and paying for our politicians.

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I’ll give you a clue: it isn’t the normal, everyday hard-working people they claim to represent.


I’m not saying I believe this at all, but if Republicans want to go after the sexual mores of political candidates, because they are the party of conservative social ethics and decency, may I present to you exhibit A:

Donald Trump.

Serial adulterer.
Married three times.
Grab em by the pussy.
Seeing a pornstar while his wife is having his baby.
Paying off pornstars to kill the story and sway an election at a vulnerable time.
Convicted rapist. Tens of millions in damages.
New York playboy as his star rose back in the day.
Friend of Epstein. A lot to explore there.
Penchant for beauty pageants, young girls, and hanging out in changing rooms.

It goes on and on.

This is the thing with making Trump your champion. Whatever issue the Republican Party wants to go on the attack with, just turn it around on him as almost certainly he will have done far, far worse, and it will be easy for his opponents to hammer that point home.


Listen lady, I dont want to mansplain things to you.


I didnt see the post, was knee pads flagged, or was there something else? It must be something else, because someone wished that someone was killed and no flagging (even by me), if not then this thread is broken.

That Trump post was deleted as far as I can tell.

I just saw the quote, so genuinely not sure if that was the entire post.

I mean the Trump death post.

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Ah, thankfully, cool.

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The post you are referring to was both flagged and removed, as you well know.

Also yes, openly mysogenistic posts should be flagged and removed.


Hopefully, mine a few posts back was taken how it was written, a joke. And as you like to remind me, I don’t know everything, and have never claimed to.


But you still have this frustrating habit of jumping in with a strong opinion. You were quoted in a reply in this thread telling you that post had been reported and removed but here you are a week later complaining that it wasn’t flagged. Then when you’re challenged on it you back down and say you don’t know. You could have just scrolled back up the thread a bit to check if the thing you are complaining about is actually true, but you didn’t.

It’s been a recurring theme to how you post in this thread. You make a statement, statement gets challenged, then you say you don’t know everything. Two days later you come back in and make the same point that has already been refuted. I just don’t get why you can’t engage with the discussions that you start.


Nice of her to remind everyone that there was a landslide against her party recently :joy: