US Election 2024
This is not a good policy it’s a bad one.


Harris’ career progression…

Deputy DA in Oakland → Assistant DA in SF -->DA in SF (elected position) -->CA AG (elected) → US Senate (elected) → Vice president (elected)

She was in the Oakland DA office for nearly 10 years. She started her relationship with Brown several years after starting that role and ended it several years before moving to the SF office. The positions Brown appointed to her were side gigs during her stint in the Oakland office. None of her actual jobs were given to her by Brown and its clear she was already an accomplished person by the time they met and started dating. That argues against she was “unqualified” for them claim, but it does come across as unseemly that what were effectively high paying consultancy jobs were given to her based on a personal relationship, but that is a very different claim than is being made. She isn’t being accused of being a ruthless careerist, but as someone not qualified for the roles she has somehow found herself in and the facts are a clear refutation of that.

Regarding Brown, he has previously made the pretty amusing comment about his role in her career…

And I certainly helped with her first race for district attorney in San Francisco," he said in his Chronicle letter Saturday… “I have also helped the careers of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Gov. Gavin Newsom, Sen. Dianne Feinstein and a host of other politicians,” he added. "The difference is that Harris is the only one who, after I helped her, sent word that I would be indicted if I ‘so much as jaywalked’ while she was D.A.

But let’s ignore all that and accept the premise that she is unqualified. How do you run that argument with a straight face when the other ticket is Donald Trump and someone who has less than 2 years in the Senate to his name?

No one can attempt to demean a woman as a giver of oral sex to a man she was in an unhidden consensual relationship with and distance themselves them from their misogyny.

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Why can’t she just be allowed to fade back into obscurity , where she belongs ?

Oh yeah , Fox News.


Thanks for posting. This a compassionate and ultimately necessary viewpoint for a civilized country to have. Definitely voting for her now.


Ok good for you free world eh

This is what she really saying,

Free healthcare, Free hotel rooms,
Free debit cards, free food, free cell phones, free education and more.

Illegals get everything for free as a reward for successfully entering Illegally into the US.
She want to shut down ICE
She is a globalist wet dream :sleeping:

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I guess it’s better to just let them die in the streets then?


Damn she gets better by the second :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


You’ve succesfully copy and pasted the two top comments :+1:

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What about all the illegals that entered raped and murdered Americans.
She is a Demon

She’s a former prosecutor :joy: she’s literally responsible for getting rapists into prison. This is a terrible line of attack against her.

Your guy, by the way, is a convicted rapist - Jury finds Trump liable for sexual abuse, awards E. Jean Carroll $5M | AP News


Any idea why the convict shot down the Biden Harris border bill? I can’t remember. Must be a good reason though. I’m sure.

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Which kind ? This one ?

Or this one ?

This makes me sad. They are people. They aren’t criminals. They aren’t subhuman. They are fleeing poverty in search of better lives. Do some of them commit crimes? Yes. Do they commit a higher percentage of crimes than Americans? No. It’s scare tactics and race baiting to see a group of people as less deserving, and it makes me sad that people can’t see it.

"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"


I’m not entirely sure a Balrog is classified as a demon, but that’s not the right thread.


Medicare and Obamacare should have been instituted decades ago like it was in other western type democracies. Caring for the sick and the elderly who can’t provide for themselves doesn’t make you communist. It makes you human, it means that you have empathy, a quality that most of the MAGA crowd seem to be completely missing, unless they find themselves in a moment of need.


See, this is precisely how the neoliberal agenda works.

Tax breaks and loopholes for the rich, meaning less money in government coffers. Because there is less to go around, everyone else is left fighting over scraps. Find an easy target- like immigrants- and blame them for the country’s woes, even though it has fuck all to do with them.

Rinse and repeat.


When running for her first elected position he sole campaign was “the conviction rate for violent crime of the current guy isn’t at all satisfactory and I’m going to change that.” She did, and then got reelected because she was much more effective at putting away violent criminals.

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@Ronnie_Pickering can you define what her responsibilities were as “border czar” and what she should have done differently?


Forget about that for a second, it also means that it costs you less since it helps keep other people healthy and productive, lowering the share of society’s burdens you have to shoulder.