US Election 2024

I don’t know if you’ve seen this before , but it’s worth watching again. :grinning:


And of course , he has no idea what Project 2025 is. Honest.

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They can be tough when they choose to but they are too focused on the bus8ness side of their “news” that they fall over themselves so as to not burn guests. They would rather an unopposed “interview” like that than have the guest not be happy with their treatment and run into issues of not being able to book guests anymore.

They further justify it by convincing themselves that their viewers know the truth and can pick out the lies for themselves and so what they do is provide a platform for those smart viewers see liars lie. If that were true, that viewers already knew what was true, what value does your show have if the viewers are already fully informed before you start?

The funny thing is you playing the whataboutism card on cue. I’ve not seen any hysteria regarding another possible Trump presidency, rather direct quotes from the source himself,such as, “I’ll be a dictator,” and”you won’t have to vote again.”

A couple of the hallmarks of Trumpspeak is that he will tell you what he aims to do, and most of what he projects upon his opponents, he himself is guilty of.

The fact that he still pushes the stolen election lie, is already doubling down on saying the 2024 election will be “fake” if he doesn’t win, and continues to state that the violent insurgents from Jan 6 are being illegally imprisoned, should give any person with critical thinking skills a pause.


Yes, the insurrection gets the most attention but the numerous lawsuits in swing states with no supporting evidence and the appeals to the electoral college shouldnt be forgotten. The fact he still calls the last election as stolen cant be ignored either.


Going back to the ‘you won’t have to vote again … it’s fixed’ controversy. Although I can see how that can easily be interpreted in a very ominous way , my reading is that he was telling a very specific audience ( the Believers Summit) exactly what they wanted to hear. In as much as anyone can ever really knows what he’s on about , I think he was telling them that they got virtually everything they wanted from his first stint (Roe v Wade overturned and a Christo-Fascist SC) and that he would finish the job next time. Perhaps with another SC appointment or some other legislation so far unknown.

Edit : More on that here …

’ In both 2016 and 2020, a third of Trump’s support came from White evangelical Protestants. So 1 one in every 3 votes Trump received ])came from White evangelical Protestants, a group that the Public Religion Research Institute estimates constitutes 14 percent of the population.’

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And these changes would be so permanent as to negate the need to ever vote again? No future Democrat would be able to overturn them? What kind of scenario is that?


It would negate the need for the Christian Right to ever vote again , because they will have everything they ever wanted.

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But that presupposes that such decisions can never be overturned. If Roe v Wade was overturned once it can be re-overturned. New SC judges can be appointed. As long as there is democracy, everything can be changed. The only reason that those decisions would be set in stone is if there is a dictatorship.


There is virtually no chance of the SC being expanded , even Biden’s new proposals (due to be unveiled today I think) make no mention of it. If anything the SC is more likely to swing further to the right in the near future with the health of the liberal judge Sonia Sotomayor a real concern. If Trump is elected and gets to replace her then it’s game over.

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If Trump wanted to weasel out of the comments, all he would have to do is say that the 22nd Amendment prevent him standing again and that would mean that they genuinely wouldn’t have to vote for him again.

Of course, that supposes that he has actually read the constitution.


Interesting. She probably can’t afford to lose either. Her choice of running mate may be telling in this regard.

Just more “conservative journalism” tossing darts to see if they can find a bullseye. Complete speculation and conjecture on the author’s part.

I’m not sure if that’s fair. It’s valid to question how Harris can plot a way to win. There are certain swing states that she needs and she faces an uphill battle in most of them.

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There is no reason for anyone to write anything warning Harris’ team to not do something they have absolutely no intention of doing (ignoring the blue wall). The biggest disconnect you saw from Biden’s reelection team was their insistence the polls did not concern them at the same time they were increasingly giving up on several of the battleground states leaving them as sweeping the blue wall states as their only viable path to an EC win left. Harris has seemingly broadened the map she can play on and we will see increased efforts across a broader range of states (some reports she’s now even considering trying to put Florida back into play), but that wont be done in a way results in her “ignoring” the blue wall.


A perfect illustration of the issue with the modern Republican Party :joy:



I also think it needs a super majority in the senate in order to increase SC.

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