US Election 2024

Why can’t they have a jointly hosted debate?

Each channel present 1 co-host and all fact checkers to be totally impartial wiht no previous political connection

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The debates are normally along these lines. They are normally run by an independent commission, but for this cycle both parties separately decided to ignore them due to their perceived failures in recent elections. Dems argued they did not do enough to respond to the unique challenges a debate against Trump poses and Trump argued they were biased. With them out of the loop the campaigns have been left to negotiate with the networks directly and winning those rights is seen as a huge coup in an era where corporate news is on its arse.

However, despite the last one being promoted as a CNN debate the feed was sold to other networks and amusingly Fox ended up with higher viewing figures than CNN did for their own debate. Given that there is no reason why they cannot negotiate exactly as you say…go and get a independent studio and have the parties agree on one person from each NBC, Fox, ABC and CBS to participate.


I like the idea that it should be done before early voting starts, even though I don’t think the minds of early voters will be swayed from their decision.

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Further relevant to Trump’s argument for new terms…

Trump may genuinely think he agreed to debate Biden specifically, but the terms of the agreement with ABC do not specify that. In light of what has now happened it seems likely this language was insisted on by the Biden team to cover this exact situation.


Do a debate on both channels -

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Think it’s a question about moderators and the fact that Fox is essentially just a propaganda platform.


With Trump participating, that will be like watching back to back Everton games.


Harris appears to be rejecting Trump’s offer saying she is sticking to the previously agreed schedule and ABC have confirmed they will keep their slot and will air it even if only Kamala shows up. Harris is again refusing to take the bait and instead just turns it around on him.


I thought Fox was an entertainment channel and not a news, political, serious outlet.

Yeah right.


It definitely isn’t serious.


I’d put it and GB News in the pathetic bracket myself.

Such a shame hoop jumping isnt an Olympic sport. Some of their hosts would be gold medal contenders.

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Maybe it is just me and my imagination, but ever since Biden quit the race, and Kamala Harris has hit the ground sprinting - It dawned on me the other night watching Trump the Ogre, shuffle onto the stage at the Black Journalists Q&A, he seems to be ever so slowly deflating - like one of those balloons that has hung around the party, or wedding reception for far too long…
I hope in the next couple of months, his whole demeanour goes down rapidly, and some of his own biased supporters begin to see he has zero dynamism left to even bullshit his way anymore… What a bitter and twisted way he has chosen to spend the last years of his life…
As the new Democratic phrase states - WEIRD :0)



Yes, about 98% of the posters on this forum are on the left side and not from the US.

I’m back boys! Miss me? :sunglasses:


I did.

Your posts usually make me laugh. Not much does, so you should consider yourself honoured.


i realise The Don is terrible, and far worse…this is not about the don, if KH wins and becomes POTUS she needs (or probably doesnt) to behave in a certain manner

the tone of the release is pretty confrontational, , the first line is pretty basic, but that last sentence in her press release is really pathetic, its like a primary school kids taunt, its actually embarrassing…

shes on display to the world, she has to deal (we hope) with world leaders

ultimately shes done herself a diservice here…

what did Michelle Obama say again?


As high minded as it was, and as much as we might wish otherwise, it was a mantra that simply didnt work in electoral politics. The Dems tried to live up to it and get their arses kicked in election after elections all over the country.

There is also a good body of research that the most effective electoral strategy for beating a wannabe strongman candidate in an election is in rolling them over and revealing their soft underbelly. They want to appear threatening and nothing counters that more than mocking them and calling them weak.


“Trump accuses Harris of lying about her ethnicity as new polls have him struggling in key swings states”.

“Harris says Trump is scared to debate”.

New York Times: “Both candidates have a messaging problem”.


assume you meant beating, not being…

maybe there is a ‘body of research’ which suggests KH should call her rival ‘mr anytime anywhere’ and taunt him with ’ too scared to show up’, but if we are ever to get away from the hatefilled political cycle we currently find ourselves in, then the pollies themselves will eed to do it, they will need to rise above.

the Don is shit. i get it.

pollies are meant to frame society, to infuence it, ultimately, they are meant to work together for the betterment of the people they represent…they shouldnt keep hiding behind the old ’ we need to do this to get in’

thats the thing with techniques in anything in anywalk of life…they are the accepted way to do things, until they are not.

there is a better way…a way i think people ac tually want to see, despite ‘tried and tested’ methods…KH didnt do it on that press release.

you can do the ‘monkey no see’ emoji thing all you like as if im some niave simpleton…you might think it was a good, apprpriate response from Harris…i think it was pathetic…lowering herself to that level…

I understand in principle what you are saying. I just cannot reconcile it though to the comments in question - calling out a classic bully for running away from an already contest and presenting terms he knows she wont accept. And even if you dont like it and feel justified in saying it is a tone beneath what you wish at least one side maintained, to present it as down to their level is a real lack of perspective.


If Harris is going into the gutter with Trump then she is outmatched. She would be far more effective taking the high road.

Harris and her campaign need to guard against this giddy feeling that they are experiencing right now, it’s still the honeymoon, lots of work ahead.

I don’t think she is a particularly skillful debater, so maybe taking the right strategy of not accepting Trumps terms, however I don’t think it’s to her advantage not to debate Trump.