US Election 2024

I like that she is belittling him. All his opponents to date have played by the Queensbury rules. He can’t handle someone laughing at him, who is well capable of owning him if he will ever dare to debate as he previously agreed.

It seems he needs his Fox protectors, which is not a good look for him.

I disagree with that. Insults are water off a ducks back to him, it her that gets upset and flustered. When it’s unscripted she rambles without making sense, sort of like a younger version of Biden. She doesn’t think quickly on her feet, so lots of debate prep work can help negate that.

Bidens pretty much the only person that suffered no effects on Trumps tactics.


Reading the above statement release, to me, that is the team behind KH that has put this together. They will have a strategy, which everyone has probably agreed upon, not just to bait Trump the Ogre, but also, to bait the team behind Trump.
The Democrats obviously want the debate to take place, but it should be remembered, when she used to go into a courtroom, facing the accused… that was no debate, couldn’t even be called a debate - more a barrage of accusations in leading the subject into areas they don’t want to go - Predator Vrs Prey…!
Going onto a talk-show setting is nearer to a debate title - hopefully, this Sept meeting will be her doing what she has been trained to do for many years… slicing through her opponent to unravel the facts
There is evidence a plenty, he is an exaggerating bullshitter, and blatant liar of the highest order… she should have no problem exposing this again, on live TV


I kinda agree with that and I’m reminded of what impressed me about her in the first place ; her absolute evisceration of Jeff Sessions and Brett Kavanaugh during Senate hearings , both of whom she reduced to quivering wrecks.

Since then , as stated previously , at the start of her Vice Presidency she didn’t appear altogether footsure or confident during interviews. Being generous , you might say that was her simply growing into her new and elevated role and finding her feet. Since Biden’s resignation I think we’ve seen a totally different person , somebody completely at ease with herself and seemingly not daunted by what is now expected of her.

On the other hand , I was listening to a Democrat strategist the other day talking about how absolutely nobody had anything at all to gain from debating Trump , and I have to say he’s got a point. You just know that fucker is going to steal the headlines , one way or another , and anyone up against him is lucky to come away unscathed.

As much as I’d like her to see her use all her prosecutorial skills to forensically take him and his wild assertions apart , would she even be given the chance ? We all know how he operates and how totally useless moderators or fact checkers , from whatever news organisation , are in the face of his onslaughts.

If the Harris campaign can maintain its momentum over the next few weeks and pull ahead in the polls (not unlikely considering the convention bounce that they’ll inevitably get) then come September they might be in a position where the prospect of a debate might be much more of an imperative for the Trump campaign than it is for their own. For that reason they should stick to their guns now and flatly refuse to shift the original debate over to Fox , and should ultimately not be too disappointed if Trump refuses to do it.


This probably is the only way to deal with a bully like Trump who’s used to getting his way.

that a white male supremacist is getting shown his place by a female POC is what makes it even sweeter.


just for clarity, i said down to ‘that’ level… i dont think what the party produced in that release was down to trumps level…

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i disagree, i dont even think its the best way, let alone the only way…

the middle section of the release was spot on

‘the vice president will be there one way or the other to take the opportunity to speak to a prime time national audience’

that statement is ,ore damaging than the rest by a margin…even the most unintelligent human can join the dots there…

kinda like; ‘ill be going there as we agreed mate, up to you if you want to show up, we have a schedule planned and need to work to it, thats the way we do things, commit, plan and follow through, kinda like running a government’

i just dont think taking the gloves off is helpful…lie down with dogs, get fleas…

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I think you vastly overestimate the intelligence of many people.

my money was on Cynicaloldgit…

regardless, i dont think i do, i think most people are smarter, people are being herded into stupid thinking…

chicken and the egg type thing…

Think I spend too much time on TAN and am becoming a cynicalyounggit.

@cynicaloldgit: Blame the neoliberal “education” system.


[quote=“peterroberts, post:2761, topic:4044, full:true”]
… I’m reminded of what impressed me about her in the first place ; her absolute evisceration of Jeff Sessions and Brett Kavanaugh during Senate hearings , both of whom she reduced to quivering wrecks.

Yeah checked these out again earlier…
It is little wonder Trump the Ogre does not want to face her :0)


Think Trump is frightened of her,and with some cause,he is a sexist,racist bully and she almost certainly will rip him a new one.
Not surprised he wants it on FOX,she will stick by her guns and of course, the Democrats can say he is shit scared of being bested by a woman that would damage is ego…and his chances!


So help me out then.

Why is he backing out of the agreed debate?

Why will he only agree if his Fox supporters are hosting?

Any time, any place? Nope. He comes across very poorly when he speaks. The interview with the black journalist panel recently was awful. He didn’t answer any questions and appears to not be able to cope with proper journalists.

I’m mulling over this, as it makes a lot of sense.

But I think on balance I’m fine with the approach Harris is taking. We are not in normal times since Trump entered the fray. As such, goading him, and poking at the people behind him, comes across as just fine to me. It’s all about the context.

Now, if she had no message and all she could do was jab at people, like Trump himself, then she would need some substance or it would wear very thin very quickly, like Trump.

Fortunately she has substance, and has been saying many times the stark contrast between what she stands for and what Trump stands for.

I think she is balancing it all quite well. She is dealing with a bully and a moron, while also casting a vision of a preferred future America.

This is an LFC forum and the majority of posters including yourself aren’t from England.


So tell us then Luis , when did you turn Black ?


I think they feel that Harris needs it more, so why give her the advantage that he didn’t need against Biden. That particular debate was agreed vs Biden, and not Harris. ABC not specifically saying Trump vs Biden in the paperwork is deceptive, albeit clever.

Also with regards to the litigation, even though it was started before the schedule, most of these cases are dismissed or settled. It was only recent that ABC did not settle, and also could not get the lawsuit dismissed. The lawyers for his case could have advised him it is unwise, and might not have been in the loop in all/any aspects of his political campaign.

Afterthought. The debate is a scoop for ABC, so this could be a tactic to get them to settle now that they couldn’t get it dismissed.

She needs it more. It might not seems so right now, but when she does it will be too late.

I missed that, or was that challenge laid against Biden?

It’s how he behaves in these circumstances, nothing new here. You might agree with me that it’s quite a hostile environment for him to attend as it’s an extremely Democrat friendly organization. Trump is making inroads to the black vote, so it was probably in his interest to accept this invitation.

I don’t think he comes across poorly from a debate pov (you going to have to overlook your distaste for the man to see objectively), he uses very broad statements (we had the best …), instead of citing numbers, he deflects and forces the conversation into a direction he want. He is very aggressive. He uses half truths that need context. He makes grandiose statements like “best president for blacks since Lincoln”. And like ALL politicians, he lies.

The last part of my original part of my post was aimed at Harris, and was pointing out what I think her issues are, and was not actually comparing her to Trump.


This is an interesting perspective as I dont know there has ever been someone on the public stage so incapable of taking what he gives out.


Trump supporters are as delusional as the baby himself.


Good Idea if they can grow this aspect:

‘Republicans for Harris’ launches with support from Chuck Hagel and Melania’s former aide Stephanie Grisham


Kamala Harris campaign launched “Republicans for Harris” with endorsements from former Donald Trump administration officials and prominent conservatives.

The initiative is “a grassroots organizing program to further outreach efforts to the millions of Republican voters who continue to reject the chaos, division, and violence of Donald Trump and his Project 2025 agenda,” the Harris campaign said in a statement on Sunday.

Notable endorsements include former White House Press Secretary and Melania Trump chief-of-staff Stephanie Grisham, and former homeland security and counterterrorism advisor to Vice President Mike Pence, Olivia Troye.

“As a national security official and lifelong Republican, I witnessed first hand the threat Donald Trump poses to our country while working in the Trump White House,” Troye wrote. “ The stakes are too high to let partisanship jeopardize our freedoms and the Constitution.”

The group also includes former Obama administration secretaries Chuck Hagel and Ray LaHood; former governors Jim Edgar, Bill Weld, and Christine Todd Whitman; and former lieutenant governor of Georgia, Geoff Duncan.

Duncan released a statement addressing Trump’s Atlanta rally on Saturday, where the former president accused Georgia’s top Republican officials of trying to hamper his 2024 election race.

“Millions of Americans are fed up with his grievance-filled campaign focused only on himself. Tonight we heard a particularly unhinged, angry version of the same Donald Trump that Georgia rejected in 2020,” Duncan said. “Elections are binary choices. As a lifelong conservative Republican, it was not an easy decision for me to endorse Vice President Harris, but I know that she fights for all Americans, right, left, or center, and will stand up for the Constitution.”

Former GOP members of Congress like Joe Walsh, Tom Coleman, Jim Greenwood, Denver Riggleman, and Adam Kinzinger, have also thrown their support behind Harris.

Kinzinger said: “As a proud conservative, I never thought I’d be endorsing a Democrat for President. But, I know Vice President Harris will defend our democracy and ensure Donald Trump never returns to the White House.”

The initiative is just the latest sign that Harris’ campaign is growing. The presumptive Democratic nominee has already earned support from myriad of groups: venture capitalists, tech entrepreneurs, and even “White Dudes for Harris.”