US Election 2024

This is an excellent strategy within the overall effort. Republicans for Harris. Is right. There has to be a place for principled conservatives to recognize the danger Trump poses, and coalesce to help stop him.


Republicans for Harris is a really good, and telling initiative,a lot of his own party can see the threat he poses to the US,and the obvious fact that this is all about Trump,nothing or no one else.
Trump has already made it clear that he can handle no questioning, let alone criticism related to him.
His days in the spotlight are coming to an end, and he knows it!

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Fixed it for you. :wink:
I stand right next to you, and have been for a long time. Yet, for some reason, Iā€™ve gone from being moderately right leaning (at the end of the eighties) to now being a ā€˜leftistā€™, a ā€˜wokeā€™ and what not. Next, theyā€™ll probably tag me with a red star or something, and deport me to a re-education campā€¦


Itā€™s the world that has changed, not you.


Exactly. The general shift towards the right since the early nineties has been frightening to say the least.


Whatā€™s radical left in US would just be mild left centre in most other democracies

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Itā€™s actually been since the late 70s, led by Reagan in the US and Thatcher in the UK.


Itā€™s been a simmering pool of shite for some time here in the USA. In the 60ā€™s it was The John Birch Society, which evolved into The Tea Party, and now MAGA.

It has always been an undercurrent in our society, as there have always been an underground who likes to wear white sheets here. The election of Trump in 2016 made it okay to many who had hid their views, to speak out more freely, and what had been a slow simmer, got turned up to full boil.


This is painful to watch tbf


Surely the definition of an abortion is that it is pre birth.
After birth it becomes murder.

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Its become a very common idea but I have never heard anyone explain what they think they mean by it.

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So weā€™ve entered a post language stage, where words become completely divorced from their meaning?
We are really in a state of de-evolution.


Trump said it so it must be true. I look forward to him bringing up his idea of post-birth abortions in a debate with Harris. Biden kind of let it slide because heā€™s also not exactly whole-hearted in his pro-choice stance.


The problem is that post-birth abortion is known as murder. Even Trump should be able to make Harris squirm on that.

The Musk PAC fake voter registration scheme is already being investigated by the Michigan AG and now this


Iā€™m not sure how he gets away with making the argument that ā€œThey will take the life of a child in the eighth month, the ninth month and even after birth.ā€ Biden should have been able to point out how utterly ridiculous the concept is that babies are aborted after birth (even month eight or nine are only done in the most extreme circumstances) but he failed miserably. Iā€™m pretty confident Harris would be effective at rebutting him.

It kind of didnā€™t even occur to me that ā€œlate termā€ is in reference to any time at or after the 21st week. A friend of my wife just had to abort her baby at 22 weeks because they discovered that the baby had failed to develop the brain as expected and had itā€™s heart outside of the body. The doctor said that the chances of developing into a viable birth is zero and even if it did then it would die almost immediately. Theyā€™ve had three miscarriages previously so the decision to terminate the pregnancy was incredibly hard for them. Never even occured to me that it would be classified as late-term.

People like Trump donā€™t care about these issues, itā€™s just a political football.


Itā€™s a made up term that was created in the Bush era by Frank Luntz for purely political reasons. It is purposefully vague and medically meaningless. Itā€™s a particularly cruel political trick seeing as with vanishingly few exceptions it refers to procedures exactly as you are talking aboutā€¦for children that were wanted but not viable.

As for the post-birth abortion, I think part of Bidenā€™s failure to respond is because it is in that category of comment that is so outside the bounds of where a person can reasonably expect a discussion to go that itā€™s difficult to process what was even said let alone how to respond it. In 2020 Biden was pretty effective and displaying the same WTF are you talking about sort of vibe to Trump in those moments, but just couldnt process things quickly these days to effectively do that anymore. Trump has said it enough now though that Iā€™d expect Harris to have a planned response ready to go.


Quite independent of politics, that is a tragic story.

Unfortunately, it is inherently political in the States.


Mrs SBYM and I are back in Oz, visiting for the first time in years.

Our elderly relatives are doing our heads in with the dribble they pick up from fuck knows where. It is pretty upsetting, to be honest. Not quite at post-birth abortions, but far enough to make us wince and count the days until weā€™re fucking out of hereā€¦


Jeez, this guy needs to be sent at school again. That level of ignorance is truly frightening. :fearful:

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