US Election 2024

Which also makes it practically impossible for most abortion providers to exist, since the hoops they have to jump through impose too high a cost or make it practically impossible.


Precisely. It creates a situation where the cost of defensive legal cover makes the practice prohibitively expensive.


I understand, always have.

Therefore I donā€™t refuse to understand. Get it?



I agree with Beklopptā€™s answers above on the issues. I might add insurance to the gun/car thing. I am required to carry insurance to own a car, as there are lots of things that could go wrong. Iā€™d probably do the same with owning a gun, in addition to testing and license to own.

The conservative view in America is to tax as little as possible, and to give tax cuts to the wealthy and corporations, in the belief that the money will trickle down and everyone will benefit. This belief has been discredited.

My view would be that taxation is necessary, and while nobody wants to pay more than they have to, some rebranding around taxation in America is needed, as if properly framed, it could be seen as a patriotic thing to do, to help shape the sort of country you want to live in.

Clear taxes. Progressive taxes too. But not too excessive, as that starts to become a disincentive.

The police should be much better trained. It is generally way too quick to escalate, so better training to deescalate is needed. A robust system of rooting out bad apples should be implemented too. If the public do not trust the police, the whole thing is in a bad way.

The police should be well funded to do the job we want them to do, but they should not be a quasi-military army.

The job we want them to do should be discussed. I do feel sorry for police officers in some ways, as they are expected to do too many things when other disciplines need better funding - counseling, social work, mental health provision, etc.

I would make state colleges free, or massively reduced in cost, for all who meet the requirement to go. Private colleges would not be funded in the same way, although I could possibly be persuaded on some sort of voucher type of thing to help them continue to exist.

This would be funded from taxation, and would be in keeping with what I said above, and what sort of society you want to have.

It is currently seen as a privilege in America, whereas I believe it should be a right. Fund it from taxation, for all, again in keeping with the type of society you want.


I have no idea how you lot are able to give birth in shackles.

So why do you repeatedly point to the existence of exceptions as if that guarantees women protection under them?

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I agree with all of this, but would also add a free pass for any copper trying to do their job and have some uppity smartarse try to quote the law back to them.

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Wasnā€™t a problem before, in the post-war era especially.

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My beliefs:

Guns: Regulated - Licence, mental health, substance abuse, testing/training. No restriction on types of rifles/pistols as long as they are not automatic. Maybe restrictions on ammunition, not sure what is allowed atm to be honest. I believe this is close to moderate conservative.

Free speech: Up to the point that it becomes incitement to violence. I believe this is close to centre.

Freedom from religion: What @Limiescouse says (cant force it onto people, etc) I believe this is close to centre.

Gay rights or known as Matt Rights: No discrimination or difference in rights to hetros and at the same time no forcing of private individuals/companies to comply with ideas that they are uncomfortable with or have issues with (e.g. on religious grounds). Decisions on physical gender alterations for minors should be done with permission of parents, or at an agreed upon age (like driving, alcohol, gun ownership, etc), not necessarily same age of the aforementioned. I believe this is close to centre.

Abortion: Restricted by time of pregnancy, or rape/incest/health of fetus/health of mother. I believe this is close to centre conservative.

Illegal immigration: None, everything needs should be through legal means like migratory workers/asylum seekers, etc. I believe this is closer to very conservative.

Size of government: Smaller government on the bureaucracy side, rather less government spending on bureaucracy and more trickle down to actual providers of health/education/military/policing, etc. I believe this is close to conservative centtr.

Tax: Corporations need to be encouraged to create and keep jobs through lower tax incentives, same with ultra wealthy (who would most likely all own businesses). I believe this is close to conservative centre.

Policing: More, better training, more departments levels like swat,general,mental health. I believe this is close to conservative centre.

Education: No school districts. Should be based as much as possible on current level of academic/athletic skills. I believe this is close to conservative centre.

Health: Free (ā€œentryā€ level, meaning you cant demand the best surgeon/treatments/advanced procedures). No restrictions on private health. I believe this is close to liberal centre.

College (including apprentice type careers): Free or heavily discounted based on economic ability of individuals/test scores, weighted towards what I would consider practical applications (sciences/business/etc) and not to degrees/diplomaā€™s like arts unless there is a prodigy (they would probably get scholarship anyway). I believe this is close to liberal centre.

So what type of conservative does that make me?

Controversial take, but other than taxes Iā€™d argue there arenā€™t that many big differences on most of those issues between the median voter on the respective sides. For taxes there probably is. Size of government there probably feels like it is until you get into the details and find a lot of agreement.

Where the real differences lie tend to be on the extremes, but most importantly between what the median voter of one side believes vs what they think the voter of the other side thinks. Take the defund movement. Very few people actually want the police abolished, and when you get into ideas of how to use public money differently that currently goes to police departments again you will get a lot of agreement.


I was pointing it out in that particular case, that it should not have been considered a late term abortion, it should be considered a exception that should be allowed at any stage of the pregnancy if it has to do with the health of the fetus or mother. Exceptions are only needed if there are restrictions on abortions, which there are in a number of states where that particular situation would not have been legal. I donā€™t agree that it should be restricted. That is what I meant.

What cases you think SHOULD be covered by the exceptions has absolutely no baring on the ability of women in those situations in the real world to get the necessary care.


Fairly reasonable, apart from all the Trump stuff :joy:

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For the last time. I was replying to that particular situation. As was stated, it was or would have been considered a late term abortion, I stated that I believe it should be considered an exception through the entire nation. My reply was not intended to explain the ability of women to get the necessary care across the nation in all circumstances.

I think it was Louisiana that recently tried to hang the 10 commandments in all the schools. You know, all those elementary kids committing adultery and what not.

I just looked - it is slated to go into effect in January - so there you go.

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If the Ten Commandments were pinned up in Trump the Ogreā€™s office, he would see it as some sort of ā€˜Challengingā€™ Bucket List he has to complete before he shuffles off this mortal coilā€¦
I mean, he has already got through most of them :0)


Isnā€™t it just the killing one he hasnā€™t committed ?

Depends, maybe someone drank the bleach he recommended :0)

thank fuck its workingā€¦we were beginning to think itā€™d take till chrimboā€¦