US Election 2024

Who’s going to be his Veep candidate ?

Probably that daughter that he has a weird creepy relationship with.

I think Noem or Scott.

Biden thinks it’s going to be Dianne Feinstein.

About fucking time, unhealthy and old. A few other stubborn fuckers should retire as well.

Good, and fuck him too. He has done as much damage to US politics as Trump has. For all their bickering, Trump and McConnel are two sides of the same coin. They both share the “i’ll burn everything to the ground to get what I want” approach to politics, it’s just that McConnell does it with a tone and decorum we expect of public officials.

He has an undeserved reputation for being a good politician, and I think the lack of success he had in Trump’s first two terms, with a GOP trifecta, shows how unearned that reputation is. Instead his reputation comes from a willingness to pull levers that no one who cares about the institution or the credibility or public’s faith in politics would even consider. That doesn’t make him savvy. It makes him a sociopath.


SCOTUS to rule on the immunity argument.

Strap in, I guess…

It’s a joke Kangoroo court. No insult to Australian animals intended. Wife of one of the corrupt hacks on the Supreme court is an insurrectionist, he won’t recuse himself. The US Supreme Court is banana republic joke. I have no respect for it and don’t understand people that thinks it is worthy of respect. It’s just a purely political court.

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WOW. Even the most cynical watchers of the court didnt think they’d do this.

I guess the sliver lining is this opens the door to Biden ordering seal team 6 to assassinate Trump without penalty.

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If only someone would do it!

Be careful, you might not have intended insult to them but Peta might take offence and insist you apologise.


It’s okay, you can call them anything you like down here they aren’t phased by name calling. Try and punch a roo and thats a different story…

Animated GIF

I didn’t doubt for one minute that they’d do it. But what is remarkable is the timeline they’ve set that now makes it just as likely that this won’t go to court before Nov.

I think it’s called election interference.

That’s it in a nutshell. How can anyone have respect left for these clowns?


9-0, Supreme Court ruling, Trump can not be removed from ballot. It’s a relief it was 9-0. It would have been a nasty precedent to set for future elections as this would have literally happened every 4 years, probably by both parties. This can now be settled on election day.

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unless Trump wins his presidential immunity case, in which case Biden can send a Seal hit squad to take him out and dump his body in the Atlantic…

you are right though, it is better than the decision was 9-0. Suggests that at least a minority saw a sound basis for restricting an arbitrary power, even if it is embedded in the Constitution.

Respectfully I disagree.

Nothing can be settled on Election Day with Trump, and his crazed base, as they do not respect elections. Trump lost by millions of votes. He lost the last election, resoundingly. Electoral college, popular vote, key swing states… Trump got his arse handed to him on a plate.

The American people spoke. Only, it wasn’t enough, because elections mean nothing.

So Trump set about litigating it, and assembling a cast of lunatics and pillow salesmen to do his bidding. I don’t know how many cases he lost, but I think it was over 50.

And yet today, a large part of his base thinks that the election was stolen.

So, respectfully, I am not living in a country where anything is settled on Election Day. Not since the rise of Trump it isn’t.


I HATE this argument. Avoiding justifiable punishing Republicans for their actions is always argued from this perspective - we cannot punish them for the things they did because then they will turn around and do the same to us in a tit for tat act of revenge despite us not having done anything to justify it. The argument makes inerrant the understanding there will be no justification for the retribution (otherwise why fear it…isnt it right that people who break the law in this way should be punished?) and ignores that we theoretically are capable to treating two different things as in fact different things.

A political party that wants to punish its political opponents simply out of revenge with trumped up charges should be allowed to try, and then should be ran out of town in a collective show of solidarity to the rule of law.


A general question, as I’m not too clear on the ins and outs of the judgement. Basically, is the decision dependent on the widest concept of the constitution - if they rule in any other way they invalidate the constitution? Or. Is that a fudge?