US Election 2024

It really wasn’t clear.

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Nor was James Joyce, but we worked hard to understand.


… And you sir, are no James Joyce.


Nonetheless. You see my point, which is nice.


It’s all rather extreme. Just imagine those forced liquidations and the knock-on effect.

You had a point?

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Is it even true? And if it is even true, do we know anything about the qualifying tax brackets?

Let me think about that. It’s a good question and I don’t want to answer hastily.

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There’s quite a bit of reporting around it. My understanding is it’s sourced from the Budget of the US Government fiscal year 2025 release. Not that i’ve checked it myself but understand it affects those with a net worth of $100m or more.

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Thank you. I wasn’t able to locate the reporting other than some tweets. Would be odd to have next year’s budget incorporate a proposed tax hike from a presidential candidate.

I suppose we’ll know soon enough.

28,000 individuals worth $100m, for what it’s worth.

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Thank you again. So it’s not a Kamala Walz proposal.

“Budget of the United States Government, Fiscal Year 2025 contains the Budget Message of the President, information on the President’s priorities, and summary tables.”

Kamala is reported to back the proposals.

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Yep. It’s just the market watch tweets made it sound like Harris had incorporated this in her platform. But I perhaps am misreading those tweets.

The document is dated March 2024. Just weird the tweets are citing her now.

Does AN_L ever have a point?


Well she’s the DNC nomination now.

All very good questions today. I feel inspired.

That much is true. Just odd to see reporting 5 months later and exactly during the DNC.

We shall see.

Won’t somebody please think of the billionaires :cry:


Well because it’s been reported she’s backed those proposals. Being the DNC nomination.