US Election 2024

It was slowing in 2019, but unquestionably the massive spike was caused by COVID. However, much of that can be blamed on an inept policy response that led to one of the worst job losses numbers in the G20.

Which only brings me to another thing to whack Trump with.

How did he handle COVID?

Apart from drinking bleach and killing it with a shiny light?

He led a country with some of the biggest advantages - scientists, manufacturing, labs, distributionā€¦ everything you would need to combat a global pandemic as expeditiously as possible.

Only under this buffoon, America ended up amassing the largest pile of dead bodies of any nation in the world. From memory I think it was over 1.1 Million - more than World Wars I & II, Vietnam, and more besides.

People losing their job wasnā€™t even the half of it.

Yes, of course many people would have died in the pandemic, even with a serious leader at the helm. But Trump was the chief culprit in a war of disinformation and ensuing excess deaths.

He is wholly unsuited for office.


The simplest response to any Trump claim about job loses under him being an inevitable aspect of the pandemic that he cannot be accountable for

Image of That was a fucking shitshow, and you handled it like a moron, is the truth.

An idiot - a king without claim - will seize a throne, and there will be war in the land

Think that says it all really. Weā€™re all fucked!



There have been reports that Trump is dealing with PTSD symptoms over the assassination attempt, watching videos of the event obsessively, and questioning his security obsessively. First outdoor rally since then was today in Asheboro NC, delivered his speech from behind bulletproof glass



I would be shocked if he didnā€™t have PTSD.

RFK Jr. announcement on Friday has the making of a huge story, or an absolute nothing. Have I covered all bases?

All signs are that he is about to say the quiet part out loud - his campaign has never been anything but a vehicle for weakening the Democratic campaign. Now that polls are showing that he is damaging Trump more than Harris, his money has dried up.


I think the same. To me, the next few days will be used to negotiate some type of agreement with either party, and by the sounds of it, it will most likely be the republicans that will offer him something cabinet wise, or some other senior role.

We have reporting that Trump and Kennedy have already had these discussions (, but critically Trump doesnt need to offer him anything. They just need to direct their money people to stop the funding of the spoiler campaign they launched that isnt working as intended and heā€™ll be forced to go away (assuming Shanahan isnt stupid enough to use her own money thinking what they are doing is real).

Itā€™s also worth pointing out it has also been reported that he tried to parlay with Harris over an endorsement and hasnt had his calls returned. Which I find both funny, smart, and a clear mark of how full of shit Kennedy is that heā€™d offer his endorsement for whomever paid for it.


Portly Trump Spouts Drivel.

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Iā€™m a bit late to the party, but imagine being Kamala Harris having to follow up to that address by MO and how the crowd was going crazy for her? She must be like ā€œshieeeeeeetā€.

I mean its her hometown so I should understand itā€™s only natural that sheā€™d have support there, but she is such a good speaker, almost poetic in her words. Does she have absolutely no desire to enter politics?


I completely agree with you, but I imagine that being called a transgender ape for the last 16 years or so is rather disincentivizing.


The common joke is that Barack is a generational talent and only the second best at this stuff in his family.

Itā€™s worth considering if sheā€™d be as effective rallying people to her own cause rather than always just advocating for others, but if there was ever time she wanted the party nomination it would be done with one phone call. It will never happen though. She hates it and despises pretty much everyone involved in it. She made some critical comments last night about an issue thatā€™s long been known to piss her off where she essentially called out the self importance of the power brokers (in her own party) in the system who think politics is about them. Itā€™s tough constantly having to be in rooms where everyone thinks they are the most intelligent person there and it always being her who is right.


Michelle yet again walking into a room and seeing the same group of mediocre white men with an overinflated view of their value.

Hillary: girl, tell me about it


The Obamaā€™s have without a doubt taken over as the official head of the dems, Clintonā€™s are now dirty laundry, and have been for a while. MO is in an elite skill level compared to Harris, who is at best, adequate.

Walz knocked it out of the park with his speech. I thought he was great. He needs to be front and center of Kamalaā€™s campaign.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


I think it might be wiser to hold off with remarks like that until we actually hear her address.


Considering it was potentially his own people that planned and ran the op, Iā€™m not entirely sure he should have ptsd about something he likely kew about in advance (donā€™t know enough about ptsd to know if it is something that having prior knowledge can be effected)