US Election 2024


Oh no, donā€™t tax the rich, us pleps would be nothing without them telling us how lucky we are to have them as our overloards!


Trump will swap out a campaign-style speech in favor of a ā€œfireside chatā€ next Friday with Moms for Liberty in Washington. Supporters hope heā€™ll elaborate on a party platform that includes commitments to close the Education Department and defund schools that are ā€œpushing critical race theory, radical gender ideology, and other inappropriate racial, sexual, or political content on our children.ā€

What could possibly go wrong ? Looks like another gift in the offing for the Harris campaign.


Okay, good

The best part about this will be that he sits in every chair like heā€™s taking huge shit.

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ā€œYouā€™ve just won a meet and chat with VP candidate JD Vance!ā€

ā€œNo thanks, just kick me in the nuts.ā€


The attack line on Walz about his military service is so disingenuous and weak. They now have a guy called John Kolb, a retired Colonel in the Minnesota National Guard (he joined after Walz left) saying that Walz is lying about his service.

The root of the complaint is that Walz called himself ā€œa retired Command Sergeant Majorā€. So Walz was working as, and held the rank of, CSM. However because he hadnā€™t completed the coursework when he retired he has to be administratively reduced in rank to Master Sergeant so technically heā€™s a retired Master Sergeant. Itā€™s a ridiculously stupid attack.


Itā€™s a fascinating indictment of the national press. The same players tried the exact same attacks on him in his previous MN races and they fell as flat as youā€™d expect them to after a quick look at what is being claimed. Yet now the plays are being tried again on a national level the national press are actively engaging with then and giving them air



Harris is pushing to have the agreed upon rule for the debate about microphones being muted removed. Trump is of course within his rights to disagree saying they should go ahead as already agreed to, but itā€™s interesting that Harrisā€™ team appear to be trying to goad him into being brave enough to make the change


It would be perfect for them to have that rule removed, he would definitely suffer from that. Itā€™s not really something they should push though, as they have already stood on their high horse and stated a month ago that the rules and debate date has been set and they have no need to alter the network, dates, etc, and Trumpā€™s campaign had to backtrack. They both made their beds, now debate on it. IMO itā€™s a mistake to bring it up at all as they already came across as stronger when Trump tried to backtrack, now they are appearing weak.

I said months ago when they set the rules, that muting the micā€™s was a huge advantage to Trump, that being said, I support the rule as it makes for a much more watchable debate.

This also looks bad for her. Not one of the top voter concerns, neverthelessā€¦^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1828031477524676934|twgr^8716d59f7637c5162f3fe0c0eb31662e98d4a022|twcon^s1_c10&


On what basis?

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2500 American deaths in Afghanistan.
20,000+ wounded.
To say nothing of the cost, financially, and in so many other ways.

There is a very long history, from Alexander the Great (couldnā€™t do it) to Genghis Khan (took him 400 years to make Afghanistan ā€˜oneā€™), all the way through to Churchill, who dismissed it as folly as ā€˜tribe fights tribe.ā€™ Then the Soviets had a go, and of course America just had a 20 year stint there, ending three years ago.

There is a clear lesson: stay the heck away from Afghanistan!

Yes, the American withdrawal was far from smooth, but it is disingenuous for the Mike Johnson to talk about just those 13 American military deaths in a chaotic country, with a chaotic history, when the 20 year American total for this folly was actually 2500 deaths. And is cost a lot more than that, in many other ways.

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Genghis khan died when he was 65.:grimacing:


This is unusual. I cannot imagine there are too many police unions anywhere supporting a Dem in a competitive race, and certainly not against a very Trumpy candidate.


You have to dig that deep?

Thereā€™s really nothing about her policies on the economy, crime, education, healthcare or any other major issue that you can attack her on?

Just her laugh and sheā€™s got a funny name.


Lol, I should have said it took 400 years after he invaded for it to be one country.

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Getting your ā€œnewsā€ from Fox ā€œNewsā€ is never a good ideaā€¦