US Election 2024

You missing the point, it has nothing to do with the sandwich and the government, I thought it was obvious that it’s not supposed to be take literally, my mistake.

I am not missing the point. You are just failing to own the ones you are making. It is a bit of a Motte and Bailey.

You raised Burr because he says something aligned with what you were already arguing - that a bad president isn’t really all that consequential and nothing bad will really happen. That is an argument lots of people incorrectly made in 2016. It is absurd people can still be making it today having lived through the Trump presidency, and even more given what they are very clearly saying their intentions are to do if they get back in and the growing acceptance of these things from the political movement Trump is leading, that critically now also has a hold of the judiciary.

It is a common misunderstanding to think of the president as an extension of congress, but the executive branch has an enormous capacity to alter our day to day lives. Far more so than congress does simply because of the speed it can move. Most presidents dont think of their role like this, because it is not in the spirit of the role, and because congress and the courts can make things difficult for you if you approach things that way. But a malign actor like Trump doesnt give a fuck. We have seen it already once and he’s promising to do even more this time around. And now has a judiciary aligned with its goals and willing to invent legal arguments to support it.



Not kidding, Sydney and Melbourne are vibrant multi cultural cities with large Asian populations. The weather’s good, the food is great and the people are friendly and relaxed.

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but the spiders…

They really aren’t a problem. I have never met anyone who has been bitten by a spider, snake or shark.
It would be like someone avoiding Florida due to the Alligators.
Non issue.


Your loss. If I were in Florida I’d jump at the chance to come down here.

Doesn’t that speak to how many of the snake and spiders are deadly venomous, and how big the sharks are? After all, I have never met anyone who has frozen to death here, and I am not putting Montreal on Limiescouse’s list.

That’s a false equivalence. You are cold for six months a year. I am yet to even see a venomous snake or spider.

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See, they are not just deadly but they stealthy. Sly fuckers

fail little rascals GIF

Yeah I completely would understand your position. I feel very lucky that my parents emigrated to Australia and lucky to live here but that certainly could all change in 20 years depending on geopolitics. I love the geography of the US and some of the people there are great and they have contributed so much in the twentieth century but I just despair how the country has gone completely off the rails - probably started happening going back to late Clinton but certainly by Bush. Had the ‘hanging chad’ SC decision been different we may be living a significantly better world now.


Sydney and Melbourne are also hassles to get around and good real estate is expensive. Adelaide (or even Brisbane, if you want to embrace your inner-bogan) offer much of the multiculturalism in a smaller package with (relatively) easier travel and more affordable realestate. My sister lives in Darling Point in Sydney and I totally understand the attraction for her circumstances but, if you are more normally financially endowed, then your living options as a family put you far away from the harbour and the things that really make Sydney special.

We’re talking about Limiescouse here. Money is no object.

Mind you, he’d have to change his name to Pommiescouse.

Surely a couple of ‘suitable bargains’ on here:,+nsw+2027/list-1?activeSort=price-desc&source=refinement

Never thought I would have a hearty laugh in this thread :heart: :blush:

No more laughs…

Come to think of it, I’ve never met anyone who has been attacked by a T-Rex. Thus it means that they must exist, as you don’t survive such an attack, right? :melting_face:


VVD may beg to differ.

I remember how dismissive people were when Trump entered the Primaries in 2016.