US Election 2024

Just out of interest, who are the ‘fantastic’ candidates?

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Such a shame. They could simply invest for the longer-term, and use West Virginia as a test to see if a more left-wing candidate could make significant headway there, but they probably won’t, like you said.

If anyone would stand with Trump as his VP, to my mind they automatically lack judgment and a moral compass, so it is self-disqualifying. The appalling thing is that the only Republicans who have spoken out clearly have become fringe players. The Party has gone.

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”something” tells me there are none you will like, anyway….

Tim Scott - major pro from a voting pov, he certified the election results and said Pence did the right thing (which he did).

Youngkin - governor, so didn’t have anything to do with election results.

Noem - governor, so didn’t have anything to do with election results.

There are some others, however imo they are tainted with not certifying election results and this will be a major attack from the democrats if any of them are running for vp.

They all different enough from Trump which is important imo.

Anyone considering being his running mate should remember he tried to get his former VP executed by a mob.


That was misinterpreted, he obviously meant that he needs to be hung out to dry, not to be hung.

Interesting result last night in the Alabama State house, with the Dems winning a special election in Huntsville by a big margin. This is a seat that has been with the GOP for decades. The Dem candidate who won yesterday lost the race in the last general 2 years ago by 7 points. She stood again in this special election and won by 25.

In the modern era Alabama has been a GOP stronghold. The only time a Dem has won statewide there this century was the special Senate election Doug Jones won in 2017 to replace Sessions (appointed as Trump’s first AG). In that election he was helped by running against a historically terrible candidate (a legit pedophile) but for a Dem to win a statewide election in AL, this is the sort of district they’d need to really run up the numbers in. Last night Lands won her election by an even bigger margin than Jones got in this district in his 2017 win.

Special election in small district caveats apply, but…


Black Widow Avengers GIF

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Also interesting that none of the polls, not even the internal democratic polls, pick up on this. Internal GOP polls had this as a GOP blow out. Internal Dem polls showed it closer, but still as a loss.

Again, small district special elections caveats apply, but Dobbs and the associated abortion access issue (especially pertinent in AL) keeps showing itself in elections.

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Would be interesting to see the assumptions. What was the total number of votes cast? I wonder how much the deviation from expectations was in terms of the number of votes.

:joy: :joy: :joy:

This sounds like one of those bizarre Simpsons predictions that came true.
But no, a former president hawking MAGA bibles (just in time for Good Friday no less) was too wacky even for them.

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How many did you buy? Tell us.

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I was personally disappointed, not enough pictures of him.


Any pics of him doing the loaves and fishes thing?

I don’t Trump has even read the Bible. I mean he has probably seen bits in films. The giveaway will be the Book of Luke mentioning Jesus being abducted by aliens and involved in an intergalactic space battle.

I doubt that Trump has read the Bible, or even the New Testament. Whenever he has quoted something, or tried to, he pronounced the name of the book wrong and botched the quote too.

He is not a reader, and in addition to his numerous flaws, comes across as a man without any depth. I’m not having a go at a person’s academic aptitude, but for him, there is no desire to understand, or learn.

As for the Bible thing itself, speaking as a Christian I am appalled by this move. It is an appeal to a certain nationalist Christian sect - who themselves likely haven’t read much of the New Testament - and to jumble in the Constitution and some sacred American texts takes the idea of American exceptionalism way too far. If you are going to subscribe to a belief in God (and this isn’t a prompt to have that discussion) then at the least, God must be bigger than just one of the nations on the planet.

Making God in your own image, for your own ends, always leads down the wrong path.

One final note is the translation. King James. Ugh. It’s not very accessible to a modern reader. It would be tantamount to writing books today in Shakespearean English.


Waiting for him to release the MAGA Torah, Gita and Quran before splurging on the whole set.

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And they would be the best ones ever with pictures and everything. Look, this is Mohammed…

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