US Election 2024

Tastefully naked. Not full frontal, more like a Patrick Swayze ass shot in Road House.

There are actually a load of NFTs of him pretty much portrayed like that :joy:

I did some math for you. He needs $500m. At $60, he is going to flood the market with 8m Bibles. I know you’re trying to make a windfall, but that seems like a lot of supply, no?

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You’re overthinking this. This is why you’ll never be POTUS.

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The televangelists are going to have him whacked if he keeps treading on their toes :crossed_fingers:

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How long before he is canonised or declared a living god?

To ensure the saving of America (aka the world) and it eternal glory, his children should inherit his titles - God Emperor (and saviour to all that are holey) Trump…

I think Trump is evil and immoral. We all know it. But he is also bizarre, as evidenced by the whole revival schtick he is trying on at his rallies. People should know better, but they swallow it hook, line and sinker. If Trump is a savior, he is only trying to save himself, and winning the Presidency in November is his best bet.

It all boils down to the numbers.

Does he have them?

Biden is doddery and uninspiring, but I fully expect him to hand Trump another resounding defeat. If and when he does, there will still be massive problems, but if Trump wins, the outcomes are unthinkable.


A Southern friend of mine was saying that there are now some Christian GOP types becoming concerned that Trump is in fact the Antichrist.

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I don’t particularly think he is evil. I think he is a chameleon as he adapts to whomever his audience is. Its actually a trait of all politicians. An evil person, from a politicians pov, would be someone that becomes a dictator an murders his own people and/or invades countries, e.g. Stalin, Hitler, Hussein, Amin, Pinochet, and the list goes on.

Fair enough on the evil part. There are lots of examples of evil politicians throughout history.

Evil needs a definition of it is going to be applied to Trump or not.

What I can say, unequivocally, is that he is self-centered. Politics is something he stumbled into late in life and having tasted it at the highest level, he has concluded it is the best way for him to serve himself, hence he is desperate to get back in.

There is no real idea in his head. No vision. Certainly no impulse toward helping people. Everything he does is to serve himself.

There are three chief vices: money, power and sex. There is a very large body of evidence that Trump has filled his boots, and then some, in all three areas. He will do anything to serve himself toward those three ends.

The essence of these times. Will we move beyond it.

This is a piece from before the 2016 election is still I think one of the best pieces there is in terms of understanding Trump. People have spent so much wasted energy trying to understand and define trump in terms the things he believes and the actions would lead him to take and the point made here is that sort of question is a category error - like asking why your favourite colour the number 4?)


I wonder what tipped the balance for them?!

The Florida legislature has been trying to get two different abortion bans through the courts - one a 6 week ban with stated exceptions, plus a 15 week ban with no exceptions. Those got approved by the court yesterday and so now are in immediate effect. Additionally, a ballot amendment has been approved, which will allow voters the opportunity to directly vote the bans down. For as badly as the Democratic party of Florida is doing, this could be the one thing to put Florida back in play in November, both presidential and for Rick Scott’s senate seat

I don’t think so. I think the abortion legislation put forward is reasonable enough. Its the no abortion under any circumstances (South Dakota) and the no limits on abortion (Oregon), that people focus on. The aforementioned being a democrat state vs a republican state. The abortion legislation seem to differ regardless of party influence, which is why I think a state legislation works. You can be a “democrat” state and have quite “strict” legislation, and a “republican” with very little restrictions, vice versa.

The general consensus is that pro lifers are republican and pro choicers are democrats. I think this is very wrong as I expect that most people to be in the middle. Its more of an extreme religious divide.

Unusually large majorities of people, not just women, disagree. Most people might be in the middle, but legislation like most definitely isnt and that is why people are responding it to forcefully. Do you not understand how extreme a 6 week ban is? A 15 week ban with NO exceptions? We have seen in polls, and more importantly in elections post-dobbs, that this is a very animating issue and is non-partisan. It is even encouraging people who would otherwise vote for Republicans to punish them where the opportunity arises.

Have you spoken to women about this? Friends of mine were scheduled to do a girls trip to austin and paid money to cancel it and move it to northern california because 2 of the party came to realize they would be pregnant and would not countenance even stepping foot into the state of texas for fear of how limited their options would be if something went wrong while they were there. This has stopped being the intellectual talking point it was of my 20s and with this spate of aggressive clamp downs all across the country is now impacting womens’ day to day lives in a way they are majorly unwilling to put up with.


I think the Trump Bible was problematic? I really have no idea, nor any sense of how people with that worldview could have accepted Trump all along to a point, and then only now find him problematic.

I think it is easier to understand if you start with the premise that evangelicals didnt need to believe he was one of them, only that he would act in their interest. For a lot in the community they saw the presidencies of Carter and Bush go without seeing the progress in the abortion issue they expected an evangelical who believed like them might achieve. That led to them consider alternate strategies for achieving their goals - a weapon was more valuable than a like minded individual.

So why are they turning away from him now? Well, to the degree that some of them are, it is because they already caught the car. Their need for him is largely gone and so his value to them is much diminished.

Was looking more at the 15 week, not the 6 week. The no exceptions I agree with to some extent. 15 weeks is more than enough time to make a decision if you know you are pregnant. If there is rape or incest, then 15 weeks is more than enough. If there is life threatening consequences for the mother, then no limit. If baby is severely deformed, then no limit. In most cases you know well before the 15 week mark. I don’t see a reasonable explanation on why someone would decide on the 15th week not to abort a rape/incest baby, but all of a sudden decide to abort when the baby could expect to live out of the womb.

I have personally been involved, girlfriend and I broke up, found out she was pregnant and would only keep the baby if I was physically with her in the capacity of a relationship. I would not, and did not agree with her decision, however supported it. All this was done before the 6 week mark.

I personally don’t agree with abortion under most circumstances, however I think a lawless approach to the subject is totally unacceptable, and think middle ground is completely achievable.

On this subject, I find it quite interesting that Trump would be open to a compromise, however one of his potential VP picks is quite pro-life (Noem). It will be a point of contention if she is the VP selection (from the POV of the democrats).

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