US Election 2024

Disgusting weirdo of a maybe human


Should have had someone silencing Baier’s mic for spewing Project 2025 weirdoism without giving Momala chances to answer.

Personally don’t think she should have given that network any time, but what do I know.


Whatever side you’re on, it’s indisputable that she has shown that she’s the more courageous candidate by a large margin.
That’s probably all she could have got from it, but it’s not a small thing.


Nothing to see here. It’s just Donald being Donald.


Doesn’t count cause… umm… uhh…


I can’t escape the feeling that this strategy might be something of a fool’s errand for Harris. It’s one thing to get prominent Republicans , officials and office-holders who have sworn loyalty to the constitution to stump for her , but it’s an entirely different proposition to peel off numbers from a highly polarised voting bloc , who are probably not watching this , nor indeed hearing pretty much anything that the Trump campaign and Fox doesn’t want them to hear. Presumably the Dems have gamed this approach out and think it’s worth it , but I remain sceptical.


No undecided voter is going to watch that, hear a good majority in the audience cheering and clappin on Trump, laughing at his shitty jokes, and booing the reporter and think “yeah Trump got schooled there”. That’s just not how this works.

The fact they can be undecided at this stage, knowing what Trump has done and represents, tells you they will be easily influenced. Hearing him being supported in that interview by the crowd… Well I certainly wouldn’t be taking that interview as a positive.


So I was just going through my Aussie sports betting account for the weekend fixtures and up comes the US election.

Trump $1.60
Harris $2.30

Aaahhh wtf

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more inclined to use that as a barometer than polls…how sad is that…

do you reckon its weight of betting?..surely couldnt drag it that far askew though

It’s meant to be based on the “wisdom of the crowds”, especially since people would actually have a stake in it, with their money riding on it.

That said I would also be wary about the size of the market, since minor fluctuations and news could easily move a very small market.

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You can also use the ‘wisdom of markets’, Truth Social shares are a proxy now. The number of people expecting Trump to win is clearly increasing.


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Doesn’t that actually depend on the relative market influence of different participants, i.e. a few big players vs many small players?

USA Today attributes it to the latest polls from Pennsylvania showing Harris trailing.

Notes that PredictIt and PolyMarket at the time of the writing of that article both favoured a Trump win.

Yes, as a black man and voting democrat the past 20 years, the democrats will not be getting my vote this election. Most of my family and friends are also making the change.

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I think you have a valuable perspective to bring to the forum.

Genuine question:

What do you think Trump will do for you that will be better than what Harris is offering?

My take is Trump will damage access to health care, in particular reproductive health care. This is already having a significant impact among the black community, and it will only get worse under a Trump Presidency. Widening the healthcare lens to infant mortality rates, they are already appalling in comparison to other first world countries, and this American problem is keenly felt in the black community. Ditto cancer outcomes, and many other things. There is a very clear two-tier health system here, and for the most part, the black community is on the wrong side of it.

He will make the national debt increase by trillions, as he did before.
He will give large tax cuts to wealthy people, as he did before.
He is threatening to implement huge tariffs on imported goods, and every economist is telling us the costs will be passed on to the consumer. There will be huge price hikes and inflation will rise, only this time it won’t be because of wider global issues - in particular a global pandemic, the global supply chain being derailed, and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. This one will self-inflicted. Or more correctly, Trump-inflicted, and the black community will not fare well under these policies.

He will seek to remove millions of people from the country, and apart from the terrible human cost and damage to families and so on, it will damage the economy because many of the people Trump wants to remove do the types of jobs that nobody else wants to do.

He will hollow out expertise in numerous departments and replace politically neutral jobs with his cronies. We will all be worse for that. He will undermine the rule of law, as we have seen already. We will all be worse for that. He will allow Russia to smash Ukraine and when he does, we must ask ourselves if Ukraine is the extent of Russia’s ambition? He will allow Israel to continue to smash its neighbors with impunity. Etc.

Even without going into his character, and the obvious corruption issues we have all seen, and limiting it just to policy issues, I firmly believe he would be disastrous for the country, including the black community.

So it is a genuine question:

What do you think Trump will do for you that will be better than what Harris is offering?

Many thanks if you are able to engage sincerely with the question.


Yesterday Trump did a townhall on Univision with undecided latino voters. There was a man who asked a question saying that he is normally a Republican voter but has issues with Trump’s conduct in the presidency and more or less begged Trump to give him a reason to vote for him. Look at the reactions to Trump’s response :joy:


It can only be hoped that an awful lot of those voters, whom beat incessantly upon their Republican chest, of how loyal they are to the cause, actually vote for Kamala once in the confines of the booth. Putting Country before party

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It’s obvious that they know something is wrong or else they would not have done that interview in a million years. Credit to her for changing gear (assuming aforementioned is accurate). I don’t think it will help at this stage, she should have started this a while back, except everything was rosy at that stage.

I think most undecideds have pencilled in a vote for Trump at this stage, and are waiting for something from Harris that resonates with them so that they can change their mind. It’s unlikely Trump does anything out of character that they have not seen already, so all eye’s are on Harris, they want to see something different, and she has not delivered and has in fact done the opposite.