US Election 2024

Surely this is a sign of desperation and possibly illegal?

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Weirdo Pravda 24 x 365

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The irony of fat pig




Pity that I don’t click on tweets. Some of what Trump says must be absolutely side-splitting to watch.

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Everything he says sounds out of context.

Trump Derangement Syndrome is real.

Just that the derangement is among his supporters, who will twist themselves into any shapes to believe what they want of him. They really should try out for the gymnastics teams.


‘Federal Communications Commission rules prohibit radio and television broadcast stations from “censoring or rejecting political ads that are paid for and sponsored by legally qualified candidates,” but that does not cover cable networks, who have broader discretion over what advertisements they accept.’

Still , the fact that he publicly advertised the fact that he was going to admonish the great Rupert Murdoch probably makes it less likely that it will happen.

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Here’s a fun little thing that Politico have started doing from now up until election day. It’s also a pretty good precis of events that save those a little less consumed from having to go and search out.

Thus far the scorecard is Harris 2 Trump 1.


Nar, coverage like that is a big part of why so few people know anything of importance. Textbook case of “the odds not the stakes”.

To give Trump a win requires your coverage is filtered through the prism of “how will people who we have failed to adequately inform what is actually happening view what happened today?” I get why people down the pub talk about it like that, but it is such an incredibly damaging framing for the actual press to do that. But Politico is no longer straight press, but a RW rag wearing the mask of a once prestigious label it bought for propaganda purposes.

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The House of Trump.


I believe Ivanka said she wouldn’t be part of the campaign since Trump officially ran for the Republican nomination, so thats not a surprise.

Unfortunately the race is too tight to call. Everything is within one or two percentage points in key states.

It’s not desperation it’s simply using every trick in the book to win. Undermine, gaslight, apply pressure, threats, mock and simply lie.

Even if Harris wins, because it is so close. The expectation is that it will be contested. Would not be surprised all the way to Supreme Court. My expectation is that it’s going to be contested till January/February next year.


Of all the outcomes that are within the range of reasonable based on polls, the quickest and least complicated path to getting a resolution is Harris to win PA and NC. At that point the fuckery machines in places like GA and NV just wont have enough votes left to win to matter. But is you go back to 2020, it still took until Friday morning (election day is Tuesday) to be able to call PA for Biden.

That week is going to require a LOT of wine to get through


You misspelled whiskey


I’m going to hang with @cynicaloldgit and Mary that night. You’re welcome to join us. Cynnie said I can invite 10 friends.

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Like you’ve got ten friends. :roll_eyes:


So did you!!!



That's the joke - Ranier Wolfcastle as McBain in The Simpsons