US Election 2024

The last few posts have been some of the best ive seen in some time. Right alongside Everton fans thinking they’ll win the league



This is an absurd fiction.

There are two issues in play with the push back you get about support for Trump. One is a more or less a debate about politics, about values etc and why that leads to support of one candidate or the other. The other is about the complete alternate universe you live in that allows you justify those positions

But I get it, you dont support Trump, you just spend ages twisting arguments to justify your rejection of the various criticisms of him and to you that is meaningly different (it isnt).


Someone seriously set a mailbox on fire?

“We encourage all voters who used that mail box in the last 36 hours to check the status of their ballots at https://BeBallotReady.Vote.”

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My advice is to take these sort of pieces with an enormous grain of salt. People who right these have no skin in the game other than what they need to do today to create enough noise that people pay attention to what they have written. They have no access to the data the campaigns are working from and they have no direct consequences for being wrong. As @ShadesOfRed suggests, most of these takes are simply trying to set themselves up for a “I told you so” moment after the election, despite it being true that even if Kamala loses it wont be possible to say that this writer was right, despite the massive amount of hay being made for claiming they were right.

For me the biggest issue we have in our coverage is that so much is covered through 2 degrees of separation. There is so little space for people who say “this is bad because…” instead everyone is focused on trying to explain how everyone else will view an incident/argument, and that disregards what is true or defensible, and instead gives value only to things people believe (or what they think people will believe), and without consideration for people believing incorrect things because the news fails to correct them and instead is more interested in validating incorrect things just because they are popular.


Maybe they have a vested interest, but they did their own polling (or rather worked in conjunction with YouGov) to test these messages.

Taking both at face value, then it’s just a question of whether you believe that the Harris’ campaign’s internal polling is accurate.

It is the inevitable consequence of 8 years of intense insistence that the other side cheating, and that patriots need to do something to address it. This is not the first instance of attempts to destroy democratic ballots and wont be the last


But but but Colin Kaepernick is eating the dogs!

Insurrectionist weirdo



Campaigns have data available to them that is far deeper, broader and richer than any that a public polling firm can generate. But the strategy informed by a set of data is not a mathematical relationship so its reasonable that one strategist can conclude they need to do A and another B. So I am not saying the Harris campaign is right. I am just saying what is the value of the piece? What does it change? Are people meaningfully more informed in a relevant way as a result of the piece existing? If their data suggests a different strategy is required, is there something they can do with their column inches to better inform the readers than just setting up this “I told you so” sort of piece?

Like I said, I just wish more of our coverage was centered on “what is it important that people know?” rather than the personality based news we have that is centered around personalities showing us how smart they are by telling us how something will play out, or how it would play out differently if political professionals stopped doing their thing and instead did my thing.


Damn Bloc stopping an election, sort of. Boooooo.

Just giving an alternate, as it seems that people conveniently forget that he offered 2 more debates that she rejected, and while I for some strange reason I have the ability to remember Trump turning down debates as well. It’s made to seem one sided, its not.

This is like a playground, Harris uses word salad, whaaaa, Trump uses it more. The only difference is that the vast majority bash Trump at every opportunity yet have no interest to point out Harris flaws, I think its because some of you think it will magically cause her to lose the election if you post anything negative about her. It’s pointless me posting anything negative about Trump (and there is lots) because its probably been posted in duplicate already.

They absolutely do, which is why 1 campaign has barely altered course while the other has attempted to change direction. I can only surmise that they have seen data that indicates what they were doing was not working hence the change in tactics.

Harris replaced Biden, she needed to convince her base first, create some excitement there, which was needed I guess - that worked out fairly well as far as I can tell. I guess step two would be to target other voting blocs they need to win the election. Don’t know, but would make sense to me and would be a fairly normal route for campaigns. All just condensed in a shorter time span in her case.


I have for a while enjoyed listening to Bill Maher who I consider a reasonable Liberal for the most part, even though he is entrenched enough in the Democratic party that he would never vote for a Republican, and even more so, Trump. I liked this snipet from him, and it’s sort of has some parallel to what I have been trying to get at.

I mean Kamala’s big, I think, challenge here to win over the undecided voters is to convince them that she’s not part of what they suspect she might be sort of a stealth version of the worst excesses of the left.

I said there’s a coalition of Trump voters. People who really like him. They’re certainly are those. And then there’s people who don’t necessarily like him that much but they still think he’s less crazy than stuff that strikes them as aggressively anti-common-sense, right that takes place on the left, right? So that’s why they keep running that ad about sex changes in prisons –



You are not offering an alternative, you are defending Trump by trying to minimize the differences between he and Harris. What you’re really saying, what you have been saying is look, they are not that different, both of them have flaws, you shouldn’t be so biased in favour one candidate.

The problem is that the above makes sense only in your own reality because as flawed and inadequate as you think Harris is, she still is infinitely better than Trump.


Nah, they are just doing their usual extraction-dance. They want one ASAP. NDP are the ones really blocking it.


Just got back from voting. Took the lad for his first election where he could vote. I’ve seen worse lines. The whole thing took just over an hour.

Apart from the obvious main choice, various state level positions were up for grabs, and there was also a local vote included for the school board. Strange business to have that last item on a Presidential ballot, at least to my eyes, but I was happy to take the advice of the teachers I know by trying to support educators and not book burners.